Sunday, November 12, 2006

Because I don't think I've ever posted....

Am I really *that* hard to buy for? ;_;

Apparently I'll have to post a list for the poor soul who draws my name...

Otherwise in my life: I am very stressed out. I didn't realize being a TCOM major would require a research paper of some sort in EVERY class... However, instead of doing anything, I sat and watched Korey play Final Fantasy XII for like 6 hours... ^^; It is very pretty...!

And I made a super hamburger! It was HUGE!




Anyway, notes!

Mom: Perhaps we can come over for dinner Monday or Wednesday and I can read up? Although the idea completely disgusts me! -_-; Or can I do it over Thanksgiving? Thank would be mucho better, but if you're doing it before then that's okay too. Oh, and I'm completely watching the cheesiest Animal Planet show and it reminds me of you! There's about to be a giant bug! I think it's called Prehistoric Zoo or something. BTW - That room picture was great. I looked at it and said: "Does George have a refridgerator in his room now???" I completely thought it was a picture of his room!! -_-!

Emma: I have a gift for you I forgot to give you. -_-; One day before Thanksgiving I may possibly be cleaning over doesn't compare to a fall break. Did you know Tessla was a real dude??? Korey and I saw that movie with some of his friends from Blue Ridge but we were freaking out when he was in it. He was pretty cool. You should look him up. He wanted to have free energy current thru DC current. Or maybe AC. Whichever one we don't run on now. ^^; Not my forte. Oh, and which Phsyics are you taking? Korey completely doesn't recommend Calculus based because it's just ten times harder with really no Calculus involved. :/ Just a word of warning. ^.^

Um... Otherwise... My classes are doing good minus my slight neglect of them. A tad worried about Ecology.

Starting a new position at work. ^_^ Hopefully it means pay raise... but it also means I don't have to deal with customers or Christi! Yay!

After Thanksgiving I may start volunteering at the Battered Women's Shelter at the insistence of the Honor's Program. But luckily it will just be filing and mailing and such so it shouldn't take up too much time.

And the Formula Racecar team is begging me back on Facebook! -_-; But I think I'm going to hold off on that as my least priority.

Especially since after Christmas I'll be in Editor-in-Chief training for The Sting! ^_^ More stress but I figured out a way I can pay myself... Heehee. If the price of paper goes down as gas prices go down... *grumble grumble* And I might have a news writer lined up!

I think that's about it... I'm going to go make some pasta by combining sauces and adding meat so we'll see how that goes...


Unknown said...

I did know about Nikola Tesla because at the Alternative Medicine Center I had to use a tesla coil on people...let's just leave it at THAT...err...
That movie seriously rocked though!
A gift? For me? *Tears in eyes* aww!

I just have to take the physics they make me take! This semester it is just Phys I. But that is the class that kills most people's GPAs...but it is a prerequisite for the rest of my life I guess. or something like that!

I am glad to hear that you are doing pretty well...even if you are busy. Atleast there is a lot going on!


Kacie said...

wtf is a super burger?!?!??!?!

Kacie said...

wtf is a super burger?!?!??!?!

ConnieMom said...

OK. So neither one of you knew who TESSLA was!!!!! omg. I've failed as a mother.

ConnieMom said...


YOU ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO BUY FOR. I just cleaned your room, and found all the carefully-thought-out presents from LAST christmas in your room, unused. *sigh* PLEASE post a list!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luv mummy.

ConnieMom said...

Oh, I guess Emma said she DID know who Tesla was... sort of. I misread it.

Unknown said...

Yeah! I knew who Tesla was.
And if I didn't up to this point, last month the Halloween newletter taped inside the bathroom stalls in the library featured the man himself. And since I spend so much time in the library...I read the feature a million times.
Go GT nerds!

Twila said...

I said I knew who Tessla was! ^^!
A super burger is what a man cuts for another man. The guy at the meat counter gave Korey the hugest burgers ever! They were like an inch and a half thick.

ConnieMom said...

It was a good messy room picture, wasn't it! It did look like George's room --- the guitar, the lamp, the blue thing that looks like the sack for the airbed...