Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I want free food saturday.

Hey family...

I was wondering what is going to be up on Saturday night. Because I wanted to come over for dinner and bring my man with me. That is, if there is going to be some good grub. Haha...just kidding. But seriously, are there Saturday dinner plans? Because Ethan and I would like to come over for a bit. I can get my own food or something if need be.

So I had my first test of the semester, and it was in physics. The answers were posted online and well...let's just say I know I got atleast a 70 on it but probably not a B. I am rather annoyed.

I learned two new words today.
The first is squalene which wikipedia defines as: a low density compound often stored in the bodies of cartilaginous fishes such as sharks, who lacking a swim bladder must reduce their body density with fats and oils.
The second is chiral (ch sounds like "k" as in kite) defined as material with either a left or right handed helical arrangement. That might not make sense to you folk, but I will give you a hint, the hands on your body can be described as chiral.
That is my vocab lesson for the day. Oh how I love organic chemistry...

Another exciting thing is that I might be going to the Rocky Horror Picture show with Ethan on Friday night. He has some friends that might take us. I am scared though because they like to humiliate first timers including but not limited to making them dance, act out profane scenes, and eat twinkies. I am REALLY hoping they don't make me eat a twinkie. That would be cruel.

Oh and somebody should make everyone else switch over to Beta because it is sad that they are not listed as contributors anymore! *SOB*

Alrighty well it is time for me to get back to studying.
Talk to you guys soon.


Monday, January 29, 2007

Best Avenue Store results...

The Avenue
What's the best store at the Avenue?

Bed Bath & Beyond14.3%1

Bath & Body Works0%0


American Eagle Outfitters0%0

Pac Sun0%0

The Gap0%0

Victoria's Secret0%0


total votes: 7
powered by blogpoll

How many different products in a grocery store?

Yesterday when we were at Publix, Emma asked me how many different products a grocery store would stock. Oddly enough, I happened across the answer while reading a news article today:

Richard A. Galanti, Costco’s chief financial officer, said that while a grocery store might stock 40,000 separate types of items, and a Wal-Mart might stock 100,000, Costco will stock only the 4,000 most popular items it can find.

So I guess that answers the question!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Crazy Lady

This lady is crazy!

"Mallory: I must not quit
For the first time since she embarked on a relentless campaign to remove Potter from Gwinnett county's school libraries in August 2005, Laura Mallory has spoken out in detail about her motives. In a new article, she slams "myths" such as "this is a one-woman fight" and "witchcraft is just harmless fantasy." She writes that young children have been indoctrinated into witchcraft, causing their lives to be ruined. Furthermore, she implies that Potter is the reason for "violence, drugs, gangs, addictions, perversions" in schools nowadays, and that "we need God in America again."In response to the question, "Do you believe Harry Potter promotes Wicca," JKR replied in a 2001 interview with this: "That's not true. Not once has a child come up to me and said, 'Due to you I've decided to devote my life to the occult.' People underestimate children so hugely. They know it's fiction. When people are arguing from that kind of standpoint, I don't think reason works tremendously well. But I would be surprised if some of them had read the books at all [Mallory hasn't]."Witches and wizards are a huge part of children's literature; it'll never go away. Hundred years, two hundred years' time there'll be another kind of wizard story."You can now contact Ms. Mallory at her website. Also, we don't plan to post anything Mallory-related until a verdict of her current case arrives. ""

i got this from mugglenet.com

Friday, January 26, 2007

Around the house this weekend....

Today is George's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheyenne is supposed to come over tonight and spend the night; she's taking the SAT tomorrow. Let's wish her luck!

Veronica may come over with Cheyenne tonight; we all hope she does!

Mike is coming home from Washington DC tonight after a week away at a Java class. He will be heading back out again for Chicago on Sunday, so try to get a chance to say hi to him for the short while he is home.

We hadn't really planned a party for George this weekend; it's hard with Mike away and everything. But Twila says she'll be here if we have one.

Emma is going to visit Kacie at UGA tonight. Then they are both coming home for a visit; yay!

That's all for now!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

BAD answers to Family Feud Questions

See if you can make it all the way through this list without laughing out loud.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Marrying Age Poll

Marrying Age
What's the best age to get married?
Under 2540%2

Anytime after 3040%2

Sometime before you turn 3020%1

Under 200%0


total votes: 5
powered by blogpoll

We're pretty sure we know how people voted in this poll!

Yo, family

So I guess the good news is I will be in NC tommorow living it up at the RHCP show!!!! :D The bad news.....well there is none really. I miss everyone. I hope to see you guys sooner rather than later!!!

Wish me luck! Its a 6 hour drive! O_o


Friday, January 19, 2007

Comic Strip

Hello family...

I have an exciting post for you today.
So there is this comic strip called "Totally Not Vegan" and it is about experiences that vegans have with people that don't have a clue what it is like or sometimes what a vegan is.
and well, this week the comic is about me!
I sent a story in a while ago and they agreed to put me in the strip.
So here it is!

Isn't that exciting?
I thought so.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hey now, Hey now now! Sing this corrosion to me...

^ Song that gets very stuck in your head!
Um, yes, I am jobless! But it's wonderful... (Minus not having money and choosing what you're going to do and when and I've got a nice tax return to look forward too - watch out for them papers mum!)
And I'm training to be Editor-in-Chief! Yay! And that will give me a bit more money as I'll be working on layout a lot. Plus, I got to see everyone's social security numbers today, heh heh heh... Speaking of, I might get W2s from the school as well and they'll probably be sent to you, mum.
I'm also working on the Formula SAE team and I'll be designing their website (link to follow when it's done) as well as the project I'm currently working on: editing and making an electronic copy of their Design and Cost reports. That means this summer I may be going to Michigan with 'em as I'm going to be doing all their presentation work.
All my classes are going pretty well, meeting some new people, so that's good.
Korey is enjoying his internship, although the commute isn't great.
Unfortunately, my irritation level is rising as I'm currently forced to listen to the O'Reilly Factor since Colbert is going to be on. I'm not 100% sure it's worth it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A great website

Hey fam...

Hope everyone is doing well. School has picked up significantly so I have been spending my hours in a cubicle in the library. Makes for an exciting life let me tell you...
It is so ridiculous that I probably shouldn't even be using my time to post this but I just had to.

This is a link that I go to every day that I think some other family members might enjoy as well. It is updated multiple times a day and there are tons of archives to look through if you ever get bored (like I know about boredom...right...) The site is called Cute Overload. So go check it out and be prepared to squeal with joy.

:D Hope you all (well...the girls of the family anyway) enjoy it.

Maybe see some of you on sunday?


Verizon cell phone users

Don't forget to update your phones every 90 days. Dial *228, press send, then take option 2. It updates the list of cell phone towers, I think, and maybe does other stuff too. Anyway I was just on the phone with Verizon and some of you haven't updated since August of 2005, so today might be a good day to do it...

ordering anything from Amazon?

How would you like free two-day shipping?

I accidentally purchased an Amazon Prime subscription. I thought I would "try" it over christmas --- they have a one-month free trial program --- but of course I forgot to cancel and I got charged the one-year membership fee. So now we have Amazon Prime. At least for one year.

Not all items are eligible. You can also get reduced prices on overnight shipping. It's a pretty good deal, and I'd like to get my money's worth from it, so I would like people to use it.

Just let me know when you are going to order anything. I can either make you a member or order it for you. Only four people at a time can be members, so I might have to swap memberships around so different people can take advantage of it.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Well the holidays are over and I'm going to try to get back to posting at least once a week to let everyone know what's going on.

Aunt Boonya had her surgery on Friday. So far all seems well; everything seems to have gone as smoothly as possible and I think she is making a quick recovery!! Yay.

Mike's travel schedule has been updated. After a bit of time at home over the holidays he's now back on the travel grind. :-(

Speaking of travel, I have to go out of town on a business trip the last week of February. I will be gone for the whole week, South Carolina I think. Mike has scheduled to be in town that week so don't be planning a big party!

As you would know from reading her post, Cheyenne has gotten a new job. Very exciting; I'm sure she'll be happy at Publix; it seems like a good place to work.

We saw Twila and Korey on Friday; they came over for burgers on the grill. Korey has started his internship and seems to be liking it. Twila quit Office Max and is considering her next move; maybe an internship as well.

Emma was home for a short while on Sunday. She had to get back to for an "environmental awareness" club meeting and to do homework.

Cheyenne & Veronica spent the night Sunday night. We watched "Nacho Libre". It was, well, funny, in a jack-black sort of way. Not for everyone!

George has a birthday coming up --- "sweet sixteen" and never been driving yet. Sometimes the littlest birdie needs help flying from the nest!

Veronica, on the other hand, seems quite anxious to get her license. She starts driver's training February 24th.

Reminder: Tax time is coming around. Those of you with shallow incomes might want to check if you're getting anything back. I have TurboTax if anyone needs help.

And Kacie is back at UGA --- AS A SENIOR!! Holy cow, is that possible??? GO KACIE!!

well it was very close

Think hard before you click that button...
Who is Grumpier?


total votes: 11
powered by blogpoll

And given the suspicious number of votes, let's just call it a tie!! I think I'll pick something less inflammatory next time!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

I got a new job

So I ended up getting a new job everyone. I am going to work at Publix. YAY!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Sunday, January 07, 2007

One Day At Southern Poly *

*Any resemblance to persons living or dead is not intended and should be construed as purely coincidental.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Christmas Poll Results

Yeah, I know, this is long over due. Been busy!!

Best Thing About Christmas
What's the best thing about Christmas?
Vacation from School!58.8%10

Christmas Eve Party!17.6%3

The Presents, dummy!11.8%2

Decorations Everywhere!5.9%1


Xmas Music Everywhere!0%0

total votes: 17
powered by blogpoll

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Here's to a New Year. '007
(in yoda voice)Many things there are to look foward to.
Cheyenne is graduating.
George and I are turning 16.
One of us will be getting our lisence.
Kacie will be starting her second to last semester and will soon be discovering the amazing world of journalism. =]
I'm sure there is more.
Post what you're looking foward to.
Even post you're resolutions that you know you aren't going to keep.
I guess what I'm trying to say is..