Thursday, March 29, 2007


Hey family! I thought that I should let you all know that I got accepted to Kennesaw State! Yay!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Deathly Hallows

Calm down Cheyenne - July is still a long way away!


Are you guys coming to visit me or what? What's the deal-ieo? I NEED TO KNOW.
Kthanks love you guys!!!


Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Just a few notes about stuff going on...

First off --- Looks like I'm taking Cheyenne to Millidgeville for her interview on Friday. You know what I say to that?


Also, reminder --- next week is Cobb County School's Spring Break! This is great news, not just for you highschoolers but for us commuters as well; it's one of the best weeks of the year for traffic!

Any plans anyone? Veronica & Cheyenne will probably be working a lot, but I hope they can spend a little extra time over our house!

This coming Saturday is going to be busy. Mike is in town for just the weekend again. And we have a new cleaning service coming to give an estimate at 11 am. Plus, I am supposed to take Emma to look at cars. She has to have one before her co-op starts in May. I think Ethan is coming over to eat pancakes. Maybe Emma can get a few tips from George on how to make them, as he has become the in-house expert on pancake-flipping.

Aunt Boonya and I are planning to go to UGA for Kacie's reading on the 9th. I am REALLY looking forward to that. Maybe we three can have lunch together?

I am also going to California that week. Twi is supposed to stay with George while I am gone. I'm thinking over whether there is any possible way I can leave my car home for her, as I'm not sure how reliable the Bonneville will be. But with Mike out of town, I don't have any other way to the airport. Twi--- we will have to talk about this.

Easter is coming up April 8, a week from Saturday! Hard to believe that. I'm going to be making a ham probably, whether or not anyone wants it!

Finally, pic of the day: my new purse! Apologies to the vegans in the crowd. (I really wanted to post the pic for grandma as we were talking about it on the phone tonight!)

more baby pics!!!!!!

No doubt, he's a cutie!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Disney Poll

Disney Parks!
Which is your favorite Disney World Park?

Disney Studios (MGM)37.5%3

Magic Kingdom0%0

Animal Kingdom0%0

Pleasure Island0%0

Blizzard Beach0%0

total votes: 8
powered by blogpoll

So, I guess "Park Hopper" passes wouldn't be necessary, since there are only TWO favorite parks?


Hey guys! I have to do a survey for class so if you have a bit of time to answer 10 questions about the end of the world, I'd appreciate it! But if you don't care or even think about the end of the world, then, well, don't answer it I guess. Because it is for a class, so take it seriously. ^^; Thanks!

[Editor's note: Click here to do the survey]

Friday, March 23, 2007


I do not know if everybody heard about my sort of acceptance to GCSU. I did not get accepted as a Fall Semester student, but I am nominated for this Summer Program there that will lead me to be a regular student there. I am pretty sure this is what I want to do (even though it does mean I will miss my last year of camp as a camper). But I do have to do an interview and then they choose if I am accepted. Thought I should let you know.

CURO Symposium

Hey everyone. Um, you may or may not know that I got nominated and accepted as a representative of the creative writing department in the CURO Undergrad Symposium for this year. I will be doing a presentation of my work (ie: a reading) at teh symposium on April 9th. That's a monday. If anyone can come make it an dsee me read, I'd really appreciate it. It's kind of a big deal, and um, yeah. That's it.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

for the girls...

If you haven't been there, this site is a lot of fun. It's kind of like playing with paper dolls, only on line. You can change clothes, hair, makeup, jewelry, accessories, even skin tone! I know at least a couple of you will think its fun.

Like you didn't have enough on the internet to waste your time on ....


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

To Emma

You'd better get to wear a hard hat so you don't get outdone by this cat!!!!
I don't exactly know what you want me to post... But here goes.
I've got tons of homework all the time.
And a speech I'm giving on compact flourscent light bulbs. O_o But I single-handedly got the speech moved back a day so I was pleased.
I got an A on a paper I thought I'd do worse on. But that might be because I don't think the teacher actually read it.
And I've got three group projects which all have little to no work done on them due to my wonderfully cooperative group members.
I'm probably coming home Thursday to finish my taxes. -_-;
Also Thursday I'm going to go scare impressionable young honors students & their parents who are coming to our school for a feeler. Ah, what wonderful fun! Twelve little high schoolers... Well, I've got to show them that there are occasionally girls at this school! Not to mention, free donuts and lunch! Excellent!
I'm pondering registering for summer classes.

Oh, and by the way:
And by the way, I went to a comedian's show last night with Korey. One thing lead to another and he ended up having the audiance hold a countdown for him to propose and....
He didn't. Heh heh. But I was glad. It was incrediably awkward. -_-;

Monday, March 19, 2007

happenings around home...

There are lots of things going on, both little and big.

Some of you know, Kacie was quite sick and spent most of the night last night in the hospital. She began to feel sick when I was driving her back to UGA on Sunday afternoon, and by Sunday night she was very ill, couldn't stop vomiting. She eventually called Mike and we advised that she go to the ER. Tests for appendicitis turned out negative; they think it was probably just a bad stomach virus. She is home now and feeling better, but still kind of tired. What a way to end Spring Break!

Of course, with Emma the Big News is her co-op job. She is very excited, and I can't blame her. What could be more fun than a whole summer of seismic refraction surveys! Check out the web site of her new employer if you get a chance. It is pretty interesting. But we have to start thinking about getting her a car to drive, so Ethan, if you are listening, we may need your help!

Twi was in Blue Ridge for the weekend. I'm assuming she made it back okay... (yes twi, that is a hint for you to call home... or at least post...) Meanwhile, Twi, don't worry about getting the car back here for Emma. I drove Mike to the airport so I could keep his car and Emma can drive mine during spring break this week when she needs to.

I think everyone had a good time at the Japanese restaraunt on Friday. I know I did! I think Korey liked his steak. And Emma managed to escape the butter and the flying chicken!

Veronica is almost finished with Driver's Ed. Just one more class. But she has to still take the driving portion of it. What fun! I think she will be pretty disappointed if she doesn't get finished by her birthday!

Speaking of driving, WATCH OUT! They are putting up cameras at the red lights in several places near our house. So make sure you STOP for yellow lights now, or you might get an unpleasant surprise when you open your mail to find a TRAFFIC TICKET with a picture of your car running a red light...

Mike's friend Greg was here for a visit on Monday. Most of you kids know him. We had a great dinner and lots of fun talking to him.

Uncle Sid and Aunt Boonya were in NY this past weekend visiting Uncle Rinny and Mammy. They found Mammy's recipe box --- we will be very interested to see that.

Speaking of recipes, I will soon be updating the recipe list with some of our favorite Aunt Boonay vegan & vegetarian delectables!

Cheyenne continues to wait for word on her application to GCSU. We are all keeping our fingers crossed!

Do you like the Renaissance period in history? well, I'm thinking George is pretty sick of it. He spent almost all day Sunday on a project that would have taken nomal people three weeks. He had to find a person or word from the Renaissance Period for every letter of the alphabet, write a paragraph and print a picture for each,and assemble it all into a 26 page booklet... and color the pictures! Not exactly a one-day project... but he got it done!

As for me, I'm just busy. But with Mike out of town, I'll probably be posting more often!!

Pic of the day: Which mom is more like me?


On second thought, don't answer! Of course, you would never catch me ironing!

Aunt Rose is a GRANDMA!!

Alyssa had her baby, Ross Benjamin, on March 16. Here are some pics:

You can see more very cute pics at this link!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to the proud mom and dad, and especially to Grandma ROSE!!!!!


Trouble logging in?

People have been having trouble logging into the blog to comment or post. I think it got confusing when they switched it over to Google accounts. If you are having trouble, try logging in at this link:

Login with Google Account

Your user ID will be an email address. If you don't know which email address you used, let me know and I'll try to figure it out.


So, I officially have a real, professional job!
The company I was most interested in for co-op called me today and made an offer and I accepted it. $13.50 an hour for 40 hours a week.
They are located in Kennesaw, which means very close and no downtown commute.
I don't have full details on when I will start, but I am going down to the office tomorrow to meet people and finalize the details.
Supposedly Phil, my interviewer, (or should I say Mr. Barber?) was singing my praises!

Here is what I'll be doing this summer:
"Co-ops will support geotechnical and materials engineers in performing subsurface explorations, seismic refraction surveys, erosion control inspections, CAD, soil classification, soil testing, concrete testing, agggregate testing, asphalt testing, and construction inspection."

Sounds fun, huh?
I just hope I get to wear a hard hat like this guy.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Benihana 16-Mar-2007

Quotes of the Evening:

Veronica: "This place is freaking me out."
George: "Uh, Twi - I think 'Shrimp' is already plural."
Cheyenne: "Veronica, are you going to eat the rest of your Zucchini?"
Emma: "Don't let that chicken touch my plate."
Ethan: "Er, I'd eat vegetarian Emma, but I don't want to insult your parents or anything...I'll have the steak teriaki please."
Korey: "Don't they have cheeseburgers here?"
Kacie: "Dad, I don't eat at ZAXBY'S!"
Twila: "What's up with that guy's ha-!!! Sorry Mike!"
ConnieMom: "Don't tell George there's onions and mushrooms in that soup that he just devoured.
DaddyMike: "First get married. Then you have a kid!"

"There are too such a thing as vegan vampires!"

"Can't wait to get home so we can play video games!"

Thursday, March 15, 2007


THREE votes for Yellow? Seems kinda suspicious to me!

Car Colors
What's the best color for a car?







total votes: 8
powered by blogpoll

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Friday Night at...

2365 Mansell Rd.,
Georgia 30022

Meet at our house at 6:15 (or as early as you can get here - I'm working from home so I'll be here all day!) or meet at the restaurant a little before 7:00. Reservations for 10 (worked out great as there are 10 per table so we will have our own!) at 7:00 PM under "Versaci." Please let us know what you are doing.

Bring your digital cameras - this is going to be FUN!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Just some Emma Updates

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all well.
I just wanted to tell you about a few things.
I have been interviewing for my co-op jobs...and the job at HNTB is looking good. I am setting up a time to go down to see the offices. I would be doing transportation design if I end up getting hired at this company.
Thursday is the interview with Geo-Hydro which is my top pick.

Here is a picture of Ethan and I that I thought I would share. I know it is kinda goofy looking, but his mom wanted one to put in her locker at work...and she threatened to use a REALLY goofy one.
Also, take a nice long look at my hair because this was one of the last pictures of it being this long. I chopped it right after class today.
The hairdresser went a little crazier than I had asked...but you will just have to wait until Friday to find out what I mean by that.

We will almost 100% positively both be at dinner on Friday. I am excited. Ethan is working Saturday instead of Sunday so I will be over for most of the day. I am looking forward to seeing everyone.

My spring break is only 3 days away...So I will probably see a lot of whoever is around during next week as well.

Everyone is talking about how EXCITED they are for the 90 degree weather and I think they are crazy. I can't wait to say "I TOLD YA SO" when they start complaining about being sweaty trying to walk to class.

Love to everyone...

Saturday, March 10, 2007

My Acceptance

So i got my acceptance letter from Georgia Southwestern. No, it's not my first choice in school, it is my first acceptance. Also, in case you didn't already know, Annie got accepted to Tech (Dad, I think her parenrs convinced her that it was a good school because now she really wants to go)! She is really excited !

Family Dinner - Friday 3/16

Mom and I want to try to take everyone to dinner on Friday night. Ethan and Korey are also invited. If Veronica has to work we will shoot for 8:00, but if she can get off we will try for earlier.

We (that means MOM!) are going to pick the restaurant, but feel free to leave suggestions in the comment section.

Daisy Goose

Friday, March 09, 2007

My interview, etc

I had my first interview yesterday with URS Corp. It went pretty well; it was a lot shorter than I expected it. I think everyone would have gotten a big laugh out of me dressed like a business woman, in hose and heels and shoulder pads and all...
One down, four to go I guess.

I will be coming around home on Saturday.
Mom, what time would you like to go shopping? I think it would work pretty well if Ethan dropped me off and we went shopping and then he could come back for dinner. But i don't know what you had in mind. You can give me a call.

I am cooking dinner tomorrow night so anyone is going to be around better make other plans. hah..just kidding. I still can't exactly decide what I want to make. But recently I got the Students Go Vegan Cookbook with my christmas gift card money, so I think I might make something from there.
Ethan also expressed the desire to make a cake, so maybe we'll get dessert. It is uncanny how well he can ice a cake, seriously.
Personally, I want to give him a recipe for vegan cookie cake but I don't think that is exactly what he had in mind.

ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL MY SPRING BREAK! I can't wait to see you all.
When I come back from spring break I will probably finish my DJ training and that will be fun.
That's all I have I guess.
Hope everyone is well.
<3 Em

Thursday, March 08, 2007

go emma!

Emma has her first co-op interview today! Good Luck Emma-Pie!

Need a good laugh???

Hey guys! OK, I know I need a good laugh every other minute.....especially at the expense of CRAZY CHRISTIANS!!!

This stuff is insane. I know I have seen a few of these in real life, but never some of the crazier ones. My personal favorites are "Doom Town," "Angels," and "The Birds and the Bees."

Its so ridiculous they're message. They say multiple times that a killer who finds Jesus will get into heaven while these two elderly human rights workers who devoted their lives to saving sick kids are going to Hell. It blows my mind that people believe this garbage.

Oh, and one last thing:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hahah remind you of anyone? (KIDDING!!!)

Love you guys, see some of you tommorrow!


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Just A Reminder

Daylight Savings Time starts early this year. Don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour Saturday Night / Sunday morning.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Okay, so here's one we've all been waiting for... a website where you put in your measurements, and you can then buy clothes that (presumably) fit you. I haven't tried it yet, but I think I'm going to, and I'll let you girls know if it actually works!


Last week around the house... well, I don't know, because I wasn't here!

But over the weekend, Emma and Ethan were here for dinner. George & Veronica were here too. We had turkey burgers on the grill and they were tasty. We had macaroni salad with it, but if you were hoping to get some leftovers, too late... Cheyenne beat you to it!

Twi & Korey are in Savannah, of course. Hope they are having fun!

Grandma D says she is feeling a little better, getting up and about a little more than last week, but still not 100%. Her back is still hurting sometimes.

George cleaned out the garage this afternoon. Did a nice job. He's been out driving too, and doing well with that too.

Veronica has been attending driver's ed. She says it's boring and there are no cute boys. Hummph.

Kacie hasn't been around --- nor have we had any posts from her lately! --- but Mike says she's doing well. We think she'll be visiting next weekend.

Mike is back in Virginia for the week. So we had a little over day between the time I came home and the time he left!

As for me, I'm scouting around for another new knitting project. How about this:

Choppy will love it, don't you think!?

Last Date poll:

First date... or LAST date?!
Which of these is the biggest "showstopper" on a first date?

Wants you to meet his/her mom
0% 0

Takes you home early so he/she can hang out with friends 36.4% 4

Doesn't see the point of dinner & a movie; wants to stay home, eat Skittles & watch "Family Guy" 9.1% 1

"Forgets" his/her wallet at home 0% 0

Whistles theme to "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" while driving 36.4% 4

Doesn't like your favorite band, and admits it! 18.2% 2

total votes: 11

Friday, March 02, 2007

Korey and I are heading to Savannah and we'll be back Monday evening - most likely. ^_~
Neither of us will have our laptops with us so don't e-mail unless you want a super delayed response. But don't hesitate to call if you need anything!
Hopefully pictures will follow. That depends on if I lose my camera again or not... -_-
I'd say: Enjoy your Spring Breaks! But I think I'm the only one on it right now... Haha! ^o^