Wednesday, February 07, 2007

For Mom because I've neglected the blog....

So if you want a GCPA report there's not much to tell. I ate a triple plate of chili and cheese hasbrowns at Wafflehouse before arriving and that beat out Eric's double which he almost didn't finish so I felt like a serious man because Eric is like a big block 6 foot 4 kinda guy. However, in Eric's defense, he ate a hamburger two-ish hours before hand.
Um, we got to the hotel, had too many rooms, played Scrabble where even though I spelled some awesome words like Krill and Diode I came in last. This may also be because I had a useless Q and I helped everyone else with their words.... Including telling them where to put them.
We went to little conferences in the morning and what not. Unfortunately I'm a bit upset because Karen attended the Advance Layout session with me and whereas I already planned on making layout A LOT more interesting, this now inspired her to do so, so it's not going to look like it changed all because of me. :/ But that's just a bit selfish.
It is quite amusing to go and see what other schools paper's problems are. SCAD has some crazy ones. Like whether or not it's ethical to print quotes from a guy's blog about how he wanted to create obscene films to shock people after hanging himself. O_o.... We're like: "Hmm, how do we get more writers? How do we get more NEWS...?"
However, upon our return, I am offically taking over meetings. Kinda scary. I've been writing out payroll and what not too. And I have to write out my budget for next year to submit to SGA. Ek! When I told mum I wanted to be a manager so that I could have a budget, I didn't realize it was such a frigtening concept. If I do poorly and don't get the money I need allocated, I'll actually have to kick-butt trying to get advertising. That would NOT be good...
Academically, not too much is happening. All my classes are pretty easy. I'm discovering how to go about becoming a transient student at Kennesaw to partake in the Asian studies minor. Yay Chinese courses! This is at times hilarious because no one knows what is going on and they print out e-mails for me that they wouldn't normally show me just because they have useful information in them. I love watching people admit their failings.
What really motivated me to get cracking on this was A) my decision to take Pre-Calc during the summer where all I could but was work and dedicate time to it and B) because Sera and I went to Georgia's 'China Town,' which is pretty pathetic, but also crazy cool.
And, for the 4 girls in this family, we found a HUGE MORNING GLORY STORE! Woohoo! I was so excited. It was totally amazing. If you want to know where, I'll give directions.


ConnieMom said...

How is it that you had too many rooms? Just curious.

And budgeting is A PAIN. You should ask for a little more than you think you will get, generally. But not LOTS more. And, if you have money left over at the end of the year, you have to spend it or they reduce your budget next year!

And Georgia has a china town? Really? I didn't know.

And finally one more question: WHAT is a Morning Glory Store????? Am I really outta touch or what?

DaddyMike said...

What's this about Kennesaw State and Asian Studies? Are you writing an article about that, or does this have something to do with your roomates, or is there something else I'm missing?

What did Korey have to say about Eric , Scrabble, and all those extra hotel rooms?

I also want to know about Chinatown...

Twila said...

Well, *I* didn't really think there were too many. But two people dropped out of coming so Karen would've squeezed us into two rooms instead of three. I was happy with the way it worked out. Unfortunately she doesn't realize this staff is a bit more private then the one four years ago....
BTW Mike, Korey *is* still part of the newspaper, although he doesn't really write. He could if he wanted to! So he went. He actually drove.
Yes, Georgia has a China Town down in Atlanta. They have AMAZING food! Yay! And in HUGE portions! But otherwise it's really more for Chinese people. A big grocery store and Chinese newspapers and legal help and what not. But the bamboo stores are pretty sweet. Google it. It's in Atlanta. That's how I found it.
The Morning Glory Store is like cute Korean junk like Hello Kitty. You can Google Morning Glory too.
There is a minor, aka "concentration," that you can do in my major which requires you to go to Kennesaw. You have to take one Asian language for a semester as I understand it, I'd probably choose Chinese, and three other Asian studies classes about the socio-political climate and such. More interesting to me than Spanish, anyway. But I have to be a transient student. It would require commuting to their classes.

ConnieMom said...

So you're going to take Chinese? Cool.

DaddyMike said...

Hopefully Chinese culture, and not the language. 'Course it'd make pre-calc seem easy...