Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hey now, Hey now now! Sing this corrosion to me...

^ Song that gets very stuck in your head!
Um, yes, I am jobless! But it's wonderful... (Minus not having money and choosing what you're going to do and when and I've got a nice tax return to look forward too - watch out for them papers mum!)
And I'm training to be Editor-in-Chief! Yay! And that will give me a bit more money as I'll be working on layout a lot. Plus, I got to see everyone's social security numbers today, heh heh heh... Speaking of, I might get W2s from the school as well and they'll probably be sent to you, mum.
I'm also working on the Formula SAE team and I'll be designing their website (link to follow when it's done) as well as the project I'm currently working on: editing and making an electronic copy of their Design and Cost reports. That means this summer I may be going to Michigan with 'em as I'm going to be doing all their presentation work.
All my classes are going pretty well, meeting some new people, so that's good.
Korey is enjoying his internship, although the commute isn't great.
Unfortunately, my irritation level is rising as I'm currently forced to listen to the O'Reilly Factor since Colbert is going to be on. I'm not 100% sure it's worth it.


ConnieMom said...

Okay, I've heard you talk about working with Formula SAE before but WHAT THE HECK IS IT?

I will be watching for those tax forms & let you know when they arrive.

Finally was it worth it? Did Colbert smack him down?

luv mum

Twila said...

Bill O'Reily just didn't get it. It was very depressing. But on Colbert's show he was like: "I made a big mistake agreeing to come on here."
Colbert: "I hope I can change your mind."
Bill: "I doubt it."
But nothing too mean was said - although Bill accused John Daily of being a pot head. O_o It was odd.
Formula SAE is a race car team. You build your own custom race car and compete on the Pontiac tracks in Michigan. Of course, I'm not building any race car, although they offered to let me drive it. Heh heh. I told them my genes would probably kick in - I don't have no y chromosome.

ConnieMom said...

So, Formula SAE is a team or something on the SPSU campus? If so, I think its quite funny that while SPSU does not have a football team, they DO have a racing team!