Saturday, January 27, 2007

Crazy Lady

This lady is crazy!

"Mallory: I must not quit
For the first time since she embarked on a relentless campaign to remove Potter from Gwinnett county's school libraries in August 2005, Laura Mallory has spoken out in detail about her motives. In a new article, she slams "myths" such as "this is a one-woman fight" and "witchcraft is just harmless fantasy." She writes that young children have been indoctrinated into witchcraft, causing their lives to be ruined. Furthermore, she implies that Potter is the reason for "violence, drugs, gangs, addictions, perversions" in schools nowadays, and that "we need God in America again."In response to the question, "Do you believe Harry Potter promotes Wicca," JKR replied in a 2001 interview with this: "That's not true. Not once has a child come up to me and said, 'Due to you I've decided to devote my life to the occult.' People underestimate children so hugely. They know it's fiction. When people are arguing from that kind of standpoint, I don't think reason works tremendously well. But I would be surprised if some of them had read the books at all [Mallory hasn't]."Witches and wizards are a huge part of children's literature; it'll never go away. Hundred years, two hundred years' time there'll be another kind of wizard story."You can now contact Ms. Mallory at her website. Also, we don't plan to post anything Mallory-related until a verdict of her current case arrives. ""

i got this from


DaddyMike said...

Maybe she is witch!

ConnieMom said...

My response to Ms Mallory:

I've helped raised six children, three of my own and three step children. Three are in college now, three are in high school. All of them read Harry Potter. None of them believe in witches. This is partly because we raised them to think critically and think for themselves. But it is mostly because they have a good deal of common sense and do not believe fantastical things for which there is no evidence.

Do your children believe in witches? If your children believe there are witches, then you need to rethink how you are raising them, and leave the rest of us alone.

Cheyenne said...

hahahahahahahaha! u should really sned that. hehe

ConnieMom said...

I DID send that! I submitted on her web site.