Monday, November 12, 2007

Me and My Mono

Hi fam.
Well guess what? I have mono. I feel like crap. I've had to quite my job for the rest of the semester, cancel my bday party, and basiclaly live like a troll for the rest of the semester. I am super bummed since my 21st is coming up and I was really looking foward to going downtown with my girlfriends (which is now out of the question since consuming alcohol could cause my enlarged spleen and/or liver rupture) and having the party I have been planning since like, April. Oh well. Maybe I am cursed.

Anyway, when I am back in town, take care not to kiss/eat after/drink after me, lest you want to suffer this lovely afflication.

Miss everyone, can't wait for a nice, easy Thanksgiving.

Love from,


ConnieMom said...

Kacie, you can come and rest up at our house over Thanksgiving if you want! We'll take care of you.:)

Let me know if you want anything special in the house to eat when you are here and I will try to get it in advance.

You best listen to that doctor and take it easy. I think a couple of days home petting Choppy and feeding him treats will make the both of you feel better!

Unknown said...

Is choppy ill?

I have my fingers crossed that I didn't somehow come upon the virus at the Halloween party...

Our poor sad sickling Kacie.

ConnieMom said...

No Choppy isn't ill; but I'm sure having Kacie around the house feeding him biscuits every half hour & brushing him will still make him feel better!

Kacie said...

DOn't let Choppy be sick!!!

Connie-- I will let you know what sort of things I want to eat. basically, stuff that takes little to no prep. Last night I made mac and cheese and that was practically an Olympic Event for me!! Thanks, in advance, I must say.

Emmy-- Just know if you start to feel SUPER tired and achey, adn you run a fever, go to the health center IMMEDIATELY. Remember that Tuesday night I called you and you said it sounded like the flu? Well, that was the start of my mono. :(