Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Did you do anything special for Halloween? We want to hear!

And check out the new poll!!


Cheyenne said...

well, im writing a paper! haha

ConnieMom said...

I hope your paper goes well!

As for me, I took Veronica out to dinner and we went shopping. George was hanging out with friends. After I got home, I had only had two tricker treaters; two little boys from down the street. Fortunately I didn't buy a lot of candy this year!

Unknown said...

I baked cupcakes and made mashed potatoes for Ethan. And we watched TV, both exhausted thoroughly

Twila said...

I think Halloween is going to die. No one wants their kids to trick-or-treat. ;_;
I spent a majority of the night feeling like the world was going to come up and smack me in the face. Remind me when we go out Saturday: I need to talk to you about what it feels like to have an inner ear issue and make sure this feeling isn't something more serious. >_<
Emma - Korey would <3 you. I bought potatoes, but have yet to mash them for him.

Kacie said...

Adam and David and I gorged ourselves on candy and watched Futurama. It was pretty uneventful. Of course, I am throwing a post-halloween party tomorrow though, so that should be fun. I am pretty sure emma and ethan are coming up, so it will be extra special. I am excited!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm sure Korey is more picky about his potatoes than Ethan but mine recipe was so easy. All I did was cut up the potatoes, boil them in a pot of water for 17 minutes, drained them, smashed them with a fork, a little margarine, (soy)milk and some very well chopped up garlic until they were mostly soft.

it was MUCH easier than I thought it'd be.

But Ethan didn't care that they had skins and no gravy...

ConnieMom said...

I got an intro to Futurama when Twi was recovering from her wisdom teeth being pulled. We musta watched 10 episodes... it was um... funny?

ConnieMom said...

And also, mashed potatoes aren't too difficult (if you don't mind a few lumps). It's the gravy. And gravy itself isn't that hard; it's cooking the meat in the right way so that it makes a decent gravy that is hard!

Kacie said...

It was "um" FUNNY?!?!?!

LOL, It's mine and david's (and adam's maybe?) favorite show. We just bought the final season, so now we own the whole series!!

It's amazing.

Twila said...

Emma - that sounds about the recipe I was going to use - except peeled (because Korey also hates potato skins) and blended with a blender (because that HAS to be how his grandma does it to prevent lumps.) And there can't be any gravy, which only depresses me... Especially since I'm going to attempt to slow cook a pot roast, so there won't be anything to make gravy from.
Grandma says mum can't make a decent pot roast, so we'll see how this goes. I can't imagine it gets any better generationally, so I'm sure it will be a total disaster! ^_^

ConnieMom said...

Ahem! TWI! What's this about "Grandma says mom can't make a decent pot roast"?!! HMMM?

DaddyMike said...

Well, I don't care much for pot roast, but Mum makes a mean eye-talian beef and awesome stew.