Thursday, October 18, 2007

Kacie is, in fact, still alive

Hey family. Sorry I have been out of touch as of late. I have been pretty busy with midterms and papers and crap, topped off with a nice dash of all-out senioritis.

The good news is that I have that McGill Fellows thing coming up--apparently I have to give a speech on "Why I have Journalistic Courage." I'm still a little unsure as to how I got into this, conisdering the only thing I try to bring down is the white male patriarchy in Dr. Boyd's class....but whatever. The bad news is, it's a closed ceremony thing, which means parents can't yeah. If I invited you guys, don't worry about it, because you can't come anymore!!! :(

In other news, I made my debute in the Red and Black............I was featured in a story about tattoos today. You can see the story here.

I'm allllll the way at the bottom. And my tattoos are nowhere near is cool as these others. But oh well, it's still pretty cool.

I'll be home for fall break on Wednesday. I was planning on coming over for friday....and maybe someone at that house could bring me back to athens....prefreabrly Saturday morning/afternoon?

Love you guys,


DaddyMike said...

We'll work out getting you a ride back. Might have to get you up early on Saturday to do it.

I'm looking forward to seeing you.

I think I'm going to get a Tattoo.

Cheyenne said...

those are really cool! it must be really cool to be put in the red and black-well if its for something cool, not embarassing (like dan!hahahaha). it makes me want to get a tattoo but i cant if i want to work for disney.

to daddy: its really hard to catch sarcasim in typing!

DaddyMike said...

How did YOU catch it then?

Cheyenne said...

because i know you too well!

ConnieMom said...

Hey Kacie! Did you REALLY believe your dad might get a tattoo!?! That's quite funny!

Congrats on the McGill thing, sorry we can't go. Maybe I will still get to read your speech?