Friday, June 01, 2007

Twila's got herself a job!

Well, as some of you may know, I had an interview this past Wednesday of which the outcome was: I'm hired! It's a bit interesting considering they called me back the next day, but I'm not complaining.
The company is called AdvanceMe and they're about to launch a huge financial website of which I don't remember the name currently but there is some possibility for copy-writing on it. It's out on Chastian - in that new office complex they built right off 575. So it's a 15 minute ride for me against the traffic, which is sweet.
It's currently only for 10 weeks and there seems like there's going to be a lot of tedious work (archiving files, etc) but the web guy seemed to really like me in our little chit chat interview - he said he was just like me when he was my age - so maybe he'll steal me away from a bit of the boring stuff.
And, well, Rubbermaid called me today for an interview and I had to turn them down saying I took another position. That was a pretty cool first for me.
I start Monday so I'm pretty excited!
And that's about that, for me.


ConnieMom said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Bet it will be nice to have money coming in again!

Sounds interesting... you can learn a lot watching a new site like that launching.

Unknown said...

I bet they will want to keep you after 10 weeks.

Ethan is moving in to his apartment today. He got Matt and Leo's old one.
:D So maybe I will see you around.

Kacie said...

Congrats!!! Wooooo!!!!

Twila said...

Haha - at least he knows his apartment will be decently clean. ^o^ Yes, I may have to stop by to eat... ^_~

DaddyMike said...

but the web guy seemed to really like me in our little chit chat interview - he said he was just like me when he was my age - so maybe he'll steal me away...

Have you told Korey about this? ;^)

Grandma said...

We are so thrilled for you. Sounds like a great job and it sure relieved my mind. But I knew if you got the interview the job was yours. Where the heck is the spell check on this page?

Dear Old Uncle Sid said...

C wally woot, purple one.

Cheyenne said...

yay! congratulations!!!

Twila said...

When I said "steal me away" I meant from doing the tedious intern work, not as creepy as that sounded!! He has kids, pictures of their art up in his cube, and he's REALLY geeky. In an artsy way, not a programmer way. I'd much rather do web and writing work than intern-y work.

DaddyMike said...

I know Twi - I was just teasing.