Friday, June 29, 2007

pictures from emma's office

Just a couple of pictures of her workplace that Emma sent.

I'm guessing that one above is a picture of the plotters...

And a steam-shovel! er, um, I mean, a back-hoe. ;-)


Unknown said...

....I guess it is my fault for not clarifying, but the first picture is of Ethan's work place. And the second is of mine. We took them for comparison purposes.

And technically that is called a back-hoe.

ConnieMom said...

Oh I see, it's a compare-and-contrast exercise! Who's got the cushy job in the nice comfy office and who's out digging dirt in the Georgia heat all day!

Sorry I don't know all of your technical geek engineer terms for things. Looked like a steam shovel to me but I bet they don't call anything a steam shovel anymore because they no longer run on steam.