Saturday, May 19, 2007

My co-op job!

So I finished my first week as a co-op student!

It took a little getting used to but I am into the swing of things at Geo-Hydro Engineers. I've been out to different sites, walked in the woods in Dawsonville to choose places to take soil samples (and ended up getting a tick), learned to use auto CADD, classified soil that comes from many feet down in the ground, seen a drill rig, and organized the dirt in the workshop. Hopefully soon I will get to do seismic refraction tests.

Some of the guys are still getting used to there being a girl around, but I have been holding my own. I think including me there are 5 females at the company but I am the only female engineer. I have a nerdy mentor (he is in his 30's and plays World of Warcraft) named Brian and an awesome young, Tech alumni supervisor named Marty. I went out to lunch with the guys every day this week and didn't have to pay once. I sat next to the CEO and founder of the company (Milt) at Buckhead Burrito today. It is a very friendly, relaxed place to work.

I just wanted you all to get the 411 on my job!
But it sure is exhausting!


DaddyMike said...

You must be a riot around the water cooler!

Grandma said...

Sounds like a dream job to me. And you get paid! Have fun.