Monday, July 02, 2007

My First Day as a College Student

To Daddy:
My name is Cheyenne Versaci-welcome to Walt Disney World! I am here to help make all your vacation dreams come true!
there ya go. haha

To Connie:
yes and it is true that it is nice to meet my professors before hand. i would have been a lot more nervous if i had never seen or talked to them before. so i kno its better that way. oh and my computer is a toshiba. its a pretty nice pc!

To everyone:
today was my first day of class and it went pretty well. its hard to sit there for 2 hours and 15 minutes but thats what i have to do! each day this summer semester is equal to one week in a regular semester. so in 1 week, i will have technically compeleted over a month of work. its sounds so crazy when i put it like that. but other than having long classes, they went pretty well. my professors seem really cool. and the classes are very far. haha. today i had america's diverse cultural heritage at 9:30-11:45. we talked about what the cultural identity of the US is and then we watched a video. then in interpersonal relations (1:00-3:15), we sat in a circle (here i felt like i was still in high school) and we talked about what we had read the previous night. it was fun just sitting there listening to what people had to say about it. basically thats all were going to do. we have a couple papers we'll have to do, including take home tests. but thats like it. my other class, the GCSU student success course we dont start until tomorrow. we only have that class tuesdays and thursdays but it starts at 8. blah. well i guess thats all i have to say.


Twila said...

Well, once you go through all those long classes, you'll REALLY love the 45 minute ones!!!
(I do!)
Hope you make some time for fun!

Cheyenne said...

haha. thanks!

DaddyMike said...
