Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Red and Black

Hey gang.
So someone half-wit posted this darling little op-ed piece in the Red and Black yesterday, about how the only path to salvation was Jesus Christ and what not (after she said she did not look to convert anyone, ha!) so I actually wrote my first LETTER TO THE EDITOR yesterday. I was rather inspired after seeing a bumper sticker on a car that read "Nothing Fails Like a Prayer."

Anyway, the entire piece can be read here, if you want a good laugh.
If I get printed in the paper, I will let you guys know.

In other Red and Black news, guess who was splashed all over the front page Thursday getting his copy of the SEC Girls Playboy signed by the bunnies?

My precious exboyfriend, Dan!

Don't recognize him? Don't worry, neither did I!!! It wasn't til I was reading the caption I knew it was him!! It was an amusing way to start my morning. On an unrelated note, none other than the guy I dated fall semester who was talking about marriage was the one who took the picture.
I did have to sit through two classes, however, listening to people say (before class) things like "Look at this sad loser!" and "What a way to get in the paper!" :)

Anyway. I miss everyone!


DaddyMike said...

At least it wasn't David...

Unknown said...

Wow...that is sad. Especially with the censors over the pages. That makes it extra bad