Saturday, September 30, 2006


Welcome to "ALL LINE UP!!" Our new Versaci~Dufford~McConnell family blog!! One-stop shopping for all of the family news, events and travel schedules.

With Mike travelling all the time and kids in various colleges, we wanted one place where everyone in the family can find out what's going on. Please post anything here that you want the whole family to know.

Better than a visit home!! Less costly than a letter to Mom!! No inconvenient phone calls to ignore!! No text messages to push you over your limit!! No profanity to embarrass Mom & Dad like on your MySpace profile!! What could be better?

Visit often; post regularly; stay in touch.


Cheyenne said...

so who's idea was this?

ConnieMom said...


Cheyenne said...

hahahahahahahahaha! so who's telling the truth?

ConnieMom said...

It was MY idea! I think it's a good way for us all to keep in touch. Now, your dad, he doesn't mind calling you on the phone when he wants to keep in touch. So you KNOW it must have been my idea!

DaddyMike said...

It was totally MY idea dammit! It was Connie's idea to put my schedule up on the 'net, but it was MY idea to make the family blog.

Cheyenne said...

oh god. you guys make me laugh. hahahahahaha

DaddyMike said...

Final word - it was OUR idea together - we talked it out, and Connie did all the work.

- DaddyMike

ConnieMom said...

Why to YOU get to have the FINAL WORD??? Here's what I say happened:

This morning I said "I want to put your travel schedule out on the internet so the kids will know where you are." Then Mike said "How about on a blog" and I said "okay." Then I did everything else.

But now, we're not talking to each other after this fight over whose idea it was. So much for family communication!!! ;-)

DaddyMike said...

Yeah. What Connie said.


Cheyenne said...

sorry );