This stuff is insane. I know I have seen a few of these in real life, but never some of the crazier ones. My personal favorites are "Doom Town," "Angels," and "The Birds and the Bees."
Its so ridiculous they're message. They say multiple times that a killer who finds Jesus will get into heaven while these two elderly human rights workers who devoted their lives to saving sick kids are going to Hell. It blows my mind that people believe this garbage.
Oh, and one last thing:
hahah remind you of anyone? (KIDDING!!!)
Love you guys, see some of you tommorrow!
good one kacie! I don't imagine you were KIDDING when you said it reminded you of someone!!!!!!!!
Also, it occurs to me that most people are GRUMPY when a Jehova's Witness shows up at the door during their morning coffee... not just atheists!
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