I've got tons of homework all the time.
And a speech I'm giving on compact flourscent light bulbs. O_o But I single-handedly got the speech moved back a day so I was pleased.
I got an A on a paper I thought I'd do worse on. But that might be because I don't think the teacher actually read it.
And I've got three group projects which all have little to no work done on them due to my wonderfully cooperative group members.
I'm probably coming home Thursday to finish my taxes. -_-;
Also Thursday I'm going to go scare impressionable young honors students & their parents who are coming to our school for a feeler. Ah, what wonderful fun! Twelve little high schoolers... Well, I've got to show them that there are occasionally girls at this school! Not to mention, free donuts and lunch! Excellent!
I'm pondering registering for summer classes.
Oh, and by the way:
And by the way, I went to a comedian's show last night with Korey. One thing lead to another and he ended up having the audiance hold a countdown for him to propose and....
He didn't. Heh heh. But I was glad. It was incrediably awkward. -_-;
Sounds like it was fun... in a way...! And I don't want to hear anything about "baby fever"!! how about "education fever"!!
By the way, we're switching over to flourescent lights at home -- slowly -- as we run out of regular bulbs we are replacing them with flourescents. So I'd be interested in whatever you find out about them.
Hahaha, I hoped the wedding rings might scare you a bit after that comment. ^_~
so what....there was a countdown but no proposal?
Well, I'm glad that Korey didn't propose! The comedian covered it by saying that he probably wanted to propose to me in binary. -_-
And Emma - you were scared?!
Jeez Louise...
yeah! I was like...AHH! WHATT?!?!?! WEDDING RING?!
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