Some of you know, Kacie was quite sick and spent most of the night last night in the hospital. She began to feel sick when I was driving her back to UGA on Sunday afternoon, and by Sunday night she was very ill, couldn't stop vomiting. She eventually called Mike and we advised that she go to the ER. Tests for appendicitis turned out negative; they think it was probably just a bad stomach virus. She is home now and feeling better, but still kind of tired. What a way to end Spring Break!
Of course, with Emma the Big News is her co-op job. She is very excited, and I can't blame her. What could be more fun than a whole summer of seismic refraction surveys! Check out the web site of her new employer if you get a chance. It is pretty interesting. But we have to start thinking about getting her a car to drive, so Ethan, if you are listening, we may need your help!
Twi was in Blue Ridge for the weekend. I'm assuming she made it back okay... (yes twi, that is a hint for you to call home... or at least post...) Meanwhile, Twi, don't worry about getting the car back here for Emma. I drove Mike to the airport so I could keep his car and Emma can drive mine during spring break this week when she needs to.
I think everyone had a good time at the Japanese restaraunt on Friday. I know I did! I think Korey liked his steak. And Emma managed to escape the butter and the flying chicken!
Veronica is almost finished with Driver's Ed. Just one more class. But she has to still take the driving portion of it. What fun! I think she will be pretty disappointed if she doesn't get finished by her birthday!
Speaking of driving, WATCH OUT! They are putting up cameras at the red lights in several places near our house. So make sure you STOP for yellow lights now, or you might get an unpleasant surprise when you open your mail to find a TRAFFIC TICKET with a picture of your car running a red light...
Mike's friend Greg was here for a visit on Monday. Most of you kids know him. We had a great dinner and lots of fun talking to him.
Uncle Sid and Aunt Boonya were in NY this past weekend visiting Uncle Rinny and Mammy. They found Mammy's recipe box --- we will be very interested to see that.
Speaking of recipes, I will soon be updating the recipe list with some of our favorite Aunt Boonay vegan & vegetarian delectables!
Cheyenne continues to wait for word on her application to GCSU. We are all keeping our fingers crossed!
Do you like the Renaissance period in history? well, I'm thinking George is pretty sick of it. He spent almost all day Sunday on a project that would have taken nomal people three weeks. He had to find a person or word from the Renaissance Period for every letter of the alphabet, write a paragraph and print a picture for each,and assemble it all into a 26 page booklet... and color the pictures! Not exactly a one-day project... but he got it done!
As for me, I'm just busy. But with Mike out of town, I'll probably be posting more often!!
Pic of the day: Which mom is more like me?

On second thought, don't answer! Of course, you would never catch me ironing!
BOTH of those mom's are holding babies...that is all I have to say about the matter.
Think I don't know how to hold a baby? Hmmm? How about a baby that screams 8 hours a day? Let's see one of these moms deal with THAT!!!!! The fact that you survived the first 6 months of life says somethin' REAL SPECIAL about me!! 'course, you made up for a lot since then :-)
I don't know, sounds like a one day project to me!
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