2365 Mansell Rd.,
Georgia 30022
Meet at our house at 6:15 (or as early as you can get here - I'm working from home so I'll be here all day!) or meet at the restaurant a little before 7:00. Reservations for 10 (worked out great as there are 10 per table so we will have our own!) at 7:00 PM under "Versaci." Please let us know what you are doing.
Bring your digital cameras - this is going to be FUN!
Technically, Ethan's class on friday lasts until 6:00 but can leave early sometimes. I will find out exactly how soon he thinks he could get to our house because I don't think he'll want to try to find the place himself (but would if he had to).
That does look exciting though! I can't wait.
Shouldn't be hard to find - Mansell road is easy.
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