Anyway, it's officially the weekend now, so I hope everyone is planning to have fun.
I am going on my business trip to North Carolina next week. My flight is Sunday afternoon, and I won't be back till Friday. Mike will be home while I'm away, for those of you who worry about George!
Veronica is spending the night tonight, since she has driver's ed in the morning. Cheyenne is over for a bit this evening too, she will be leaving soon though. I don't think Kacie will be home at all this weekend.
Twila was going to come over tonight but I missed her call :-( . Too bad, because it's been over a week since we saw her and I would have liked to have her over! She was supposed to go to Atlanta to have dinner with Emma on Wednesday, and I never heard what happened yet. Maybe I should check my Visa bill...
Emma called on Thursday with computer/network problems which we got resolved; but I was getting dinner ready when she called so we didn't have time to talk. I' m not sure if she will be over on Sunday or not.
So I guess what I'm saying is that I don't have any news... So if anyone else does, they should post it!
Here is where I am going next week: CCL
And, a picture too:

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