Mike left for Georgetown; he will be gone until Friday, as usual. We miss him already!
Last I heard from Twi, she had to go back down to Macon because she left her eyeglass case at the Hotel she stayed at for GCPA. Oh, yeah, and by the way, her eyeglasses were in them.
Kacie was feeling a little low this morning, so we were hoping today's mini-poll would cheer her up a little!
We thought we might see Cheyenne for a minute this weekend, but she musta been busy because we haven't heard from her. I'm hoping she'll post to let us know how the new job is going! Haven't heard from Veronica either; hope to see them both on Wednesday!
Emma has kept us pretty well informed with her posts this week. Which is good, because she wasn't home this weekend either. I think she probably has a little homework to do.
Aunt Boonya goes back to work tomorrow after her operation! I can tell you for sure, everyone at work is very happy about that! We got to see her a few minutes and she looked very well.
As for George, he's been building a fort with his friends... and oh yeah, and I finally took him out driving...

He is not building a fort. Are you serious?
That was a cute pick though.
I missed you this weekend mom! It was a depressing day. All I did the whole day was sit in my dorm and study. It was awful.
Could they not mail twi her glasses?
I have another comment, this one is about the poll.
Since my first date with Chris involved me paying for dinner, and we went out for 2 months, I couldn't chose that one.
I think something happened to me and I turned mushy. Because the old me probably wouldn't have settled for any of that. But now all I can think about is if Ethan did those things in which case I wouldn't really care.
Oddly, it's not hard to imagine Ethan whistling "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" while tooling around town in that yellow VW...
Is he really building a fort? WHY IS EVERYONE DIGRESSING??? I like that picture though. :D
Well, apparently the fort is already built, they are just "fixing it up". When I picked George and Sklyar up yesterday, Skylar was carrying a big black tarp. When I asked him what it was for, he said "a fort". A little while later, George called me, wanting me to bring him his birthday money and a hammer...
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