I thought I would fill you in on what I have been up to.
Saturday Ethan and I went to see Of Montreal at the Variety Playhouse and it was indescribably good. I saw them last year with Chris but I must admit that this time was much better. The image to the left DOES NOT do the (male) lead singer justice as far as his live performances go, but...you'd have to see a show to really understand how special he is. Hah. It was totally worth what little sleep we got last night
I have a huge Organic Chemistry test on Tuesday so wish me luck.
Southern Poly has spring break next week but mine isn't for three more weeks, so I am a little jealous. I think we all need a break.
Anyone who can get to a computer or radio on Friday at 12 should listen to 91.1 WREK because I am going to get to do the whole set by myself this week. If you can't listen at noon you can always listen to the archives on the website as well! I am the blue plate special so if you want to hear me on air...go to the website and click the play button for the friday @ noon show! If you go there now you can hear last weeks set which I had a small amount of airtime during. It's pretty awesome...
I guess that is all. I should really go back to studying.
I hope everyone is well. I hope mom is enjoying her bonding, learning experience or whatever that is.
I love you all and hope you are well. UPDATE, PEOPLE!
Sounds like it was fun! Sorry I missed it... ;-) !!
I was really busy last week; sorry I didn't get much time to post. Mike is out of town this week so probably I'll be looking for something to do!
By the way, I'm attempting to find you on the radio archives, but I'm not sure I'm in the right place. It doesn't really sound like music you would be playing... hmm. Was the show good last week? How will I know if I'm listening to the right thing?
THat was actually really good; I'm impressed with your ability to announce those selections. If my last comment sounded mean, I didn't mean it that way. I was thinking that you chose the music, and I was truly surprised and fascinated that you would have such a deep interest in that kind of music!!
Now it occurred to me that you probably DON'T get to choose. So it might have sounded mean!
Anyway, GO EMMA! I did think it was a very interesting show.
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