We got to see Cheyenne and Veronica for a little bit this weekend. Veronica got her hair cut and then we went to lunch at Cazadores on Saturday.
Mike is in NY for a two day class. He will be back late Tuesday night.
Kacie had a good time at the Foo Fighters concert. Maybe it had something to do with meeting Dave Grohl?? I hope she got an "A" on her review!
George had his last driver's ed class on Saturday. That's the last of six kids to put through the course --- whew. He still has the driving portion to go, however. How mad will you girls be when you find out that I bought him lunch at Wendy's and delivered it to him during lunch time at driver's training so he wouldn't be hungry??!!
Last week was "fall break" for Emma. Her dad came down for a visit, too. They had a great dinner at Twi's and then she brought him to visit George on Sunday. Also this week, they were out of hot water at Emma's apartment for a day or two, but it's back on now. That's inconvenient!
Veronica's football team is STILL undefeated! The AJC ranks them No 1 in the class AAAAA rankings. They haven't been at the top of the AJC Rankings since 1959; also North Cobb is the first Cobb County team to be ranked No. 1 in any classification since 1998. That sure makes going to the football games fun, doesn't it?
Twi has a big event around the corner... just a few days away from the BIG 21; now that's hard to believe! I think she said she's having dinner with friends for her birthday; I don't currently have anything planned for now. But that could change! Also, rumor has it she will be participating in NaNoWriMo in November; now that's a contest tailor made for Twila --- if there is anyone who could write 50,000 words in one month, its her!
Cheyenne will hear in a couple of weeks about the Disney internship. The nice thing is, if she doesn't get it, she can always try again next year. We think she has a pretty good chance.
Me, besides conserving trees (see my last post) I'm also working on conserving water! By some reports, there are only 3 months of water left. So, we're taking shorter showers, combining laundry loads, cutting back on dishwashing, etc. It's a bit concerning when you see those pictures of Lake Lanier:

Yeah... 116 days of water left! It's making me pretty paranoid. I'm thinking of buying a ton of bottled water and hiding it from Korey until the whole thing blows over so he doesn't think I'm insane...
The way I see it, we will continue to be able to purchase drinking water; they will be bringing it in from wherever they do today. But, you can't wash your clothes in bottled water, or run the dishwasher... so I find it pretty alarming!
Yeah... but, at least I could brush my teeth!
All that will probably really happen is your water bill will skyrocket because we'll begin purchasing water from other states.
But some bottled waters may become unavailable - for instance, Dasani, which is simply tap water.
Hey well at least Stone Mountain "has made the decision to cease snow making for its new winter attraction, Coca-Cola Snow Mountain". That was just CRAZY!
"At maximum production, the Stone Mountain park snow maker would use 38 gallons of municipal water a minute. The plan was operate the machinery 18 hours a day, producing more than would melt. In 30 days, the 1.2 million gallons of water would produce a 2-foot-thick layer of ice to form the slope's base."
"In his declaration for the Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority's waterSmart program, Gov. Perdue said people who take shorter showers can save 3-7 gallons of water per shower. That adds up to more than 2,000 gallons per person over the course of a year —or 52 minutes' worth of snow making at Stone Mountain."
OMG I thought a riot was going to start in MGNT class when we started talking about that! Some things never cease to amaze me. Who on Earth thought it was a good idea to produce fake snow for a state that's in a drought?! Oh, that's right, Coca-Cola did. Gah! -_-
I know a guy related to Purdue (closely, too, I believe he's a nephew) and sometimes I just want to go up to him and unload everything I want to say to the governor on him. Then I remember I'm not supposed to know he's related to the governor because he doesn't want people to know. (Big surprise.) But I certainly hope Purdue doesn't think that asking people to take shorter showers is going to solve the problem. Apparently we're exporting a ton of water down south for clam beds? Not sure about that, but that's what I heard. But I know we're exporting a ton of water. And my professor basically said it's better to ask forgiveness than permission because Purdue is trying to go about getting permission to shut it down instead of simply shutting it down and then dealing with the consequences later. I kind of agree. I really don't see any states being too cooperative in selling us water since I know Alabama and Tennessee (according to Korey's mum, so at least around them) are all fighting over what little there is.
I don't know. To me, the thing that worries me most is I don't believe many people know about it.
to connie: dont forget showers! we cant shower in bottled water!
this is really scary! only 116 days left of water??? im scared. what are we going to do if we run out of water??
Well, Gov Purdue is trying to get the Army Corps of Engineers to stop releasing as much water downstream as we do today. Part of the reason we are obligated to do it is because of endangered mussels species that need the water to survive. But I also think, the people downriver need water too; we can't just shut them off.
The Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and others are trying to devise a water plan to help get us through, but I think that we're all going to end up seeing water a whole new way before it's all over. I guess we just took it for granted.
Yeah, there's only so long you can be in a drought before it hits the fan.
I just read that the Army Corps of Engineers is refusing Gov Purdue's request to slow down the release of water downstream. So Cheyenne, you better stock up on water bottles for your showers! Although,I'm not sure how much Milledgeville is going to be affected, really. I know the southern part of the state is better off than the North.
Twi, in response to "the thing that worries me most is I don't believe many people know about it", I have to say, fortunately, as editor of the newspaper, you're in a position to do something about that! ;-)
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