Where did the time go? So hard to believe so much time has passed and the changes in all of us. I remember ConnieMom and me getting dinner together (with two bags of Milano’s waiting on the counter for dessert – “How many do we get!”) with George and Veronica running around the house building forts, Cheyenne watching “The Little Rascals” for the 50th time and reciting the dialogue, Emma doing her homework projects 3 weekends before they were due and Kacie and Twila down in the lair laughing and making Anime drawings like it was just a year or so ago.
I don’t know how the heck we did it, but here we are in 2007 with 4 of you in college and two of you driving (or almost driving anyway!) I never thought I’d live to see the day, but I’m saying it:
I miss the old days when we had dinner for 8, kitchen duty teams, movie time, dessert, and bedtime. Whatever you think, let me say I feel lucky and privileged to have had the 6 of you as my kids, and I had it to do over again I would in a heartbeat.
Post your memories in the comment section….
Love, DaddyMike
Sorry for the picture rerun, but I'm waiting for my plane to Chicago and it was the only one I had.
Daddy, your going to make me cry!!! );
I remember walking up to the pool at the old apartment to take the kids swimming. And everyone wanting to "BLAST OFF!" There is a slight chance that DaddyMike might be able to "blast off" Veronica, but probably not anyone else. It was a sad day whenever a kid got too big for that!
What are you talking about? I could still "blast off" any of 'em.
Might hurt my back though...
ok i have a mem ory! How about when we all went to DISNEY!! that was pretty sweet!!
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