First of all, Kacie was awesome at the CURO Symposium at UGA. Aunt Boonya and I were in attendance; we were both very proud of her. Apparently we weren't the only ones impressed with her reading; a fellow poet who also presented that day (and is quite cute btw) seemed to like her presentation quite well too...
Of course, the next day we had to leave for New York. It was a taxing trip by all accounts. A funeral is always hard, but it was good to see the family.
While we were gone, Twi stayed at the house, keeping track of George. She did quite a good job too, and neither one seemed worse for the wear. Thanks Twi!!
Thanks to Twi, too, for her post earlier on, letting Kacie know about a local magazine internship. Kacie interviewed for it and it looks like she has a good chance of getting it. She should find out this week. Good Luck Kacie!
Schedule-wise, all of the college students have this last week of classes before finals. I'll be thinking about all of you!
Emma was here this weekend cooking up a storm. She's quite a hit with the kids at the Southern Poly School of Architecture, and I don't just mean one in particular! Midnight cupcakes the week before finals are a very welcome treat! So if you see her zipping around in her little "silver comet" stay out of the way... there may be goodies to deliver...
It's not going to be long before we're waving bye to Cheyenne as she heads off for GCSU in early July! Of course, first she will have to work her way through a bad case of "Senioritis" --- I'm sure the rest of you older girls can relate to that. Those last couple of weeks of high school sure drag on and on.
Veronica has a controversial new beau in the wings... although, since the consensus around town is that the boy is really a nice kid, we'll overlook his advanced age and give the fellow a chance... One question for Veronica though --- did he let you win at miniature golf?
Poor Aunt Boonya has been sick with a bad cold all last week. Let's hope she is feeling better now! Let's hope Uncle Sid doesn't get it too.
As for Mike, he is home this week. His schedule is looking a little less hectic. I will try to get it posted soon.
Speaking of Mike, as most of you know, he lost his cell phone today. But since I HATE my new phone, we're going to swap. I found a phone I like better and as soon as it gets here we are going to swap them. In the meantime, you will be able to reach him on my cell phone, and I'm going to use my Palm Treo from work as a phone till my new one comes. If you don't know the number, Mike can give it to you.
Finally, in case you were wondering, it is warm enough weather now for swimming... just ask George. He and a couple of friends spent the afternoon yesterday swimming in the Chattahoochee!
Pic of the Week : Another use for cupcakes!!

Like the new poll mom...
It's too bad that Ethan's arch class ends on monday because I was planning on bringing celery and carrots next. haha. I feel bad filling those boys all up with fatty vegan cupcakes.
:D i really just go to fight the girls off of Ethan anyway...but you know, I have to pretend I have a reason.
I was thinking how much that sleeping kitty looked like Ethan...
i like that kitty, and th new poll, hee hee. finally, a nice long new post. O_o happy to see an update. Yay!!
You hate that phone??? That's the one Korey uses! It has such a nice screen! (It took him like 3 hours to decide on it too so I thought it would be good since you do the same thing with online research and if the both of you chose it.... ^_~ I do like meh geeks!)
And that kitty is supa adorable!
Well Korey can probably SEE the display, whereas I, at my age, cannot see the display or the numbers on it! I have to get one with bigger numbers. Plus, I don't like the red border on the display. It irritates me and it doesn't seem to change when I change the theme.
It did get good rating on-line however.
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