Mom is pleased to have her new "phone" up and running. Look at that thing!
It was long night last night. First we went to the Verizon Store, and the wireless geek told us that since we bought the phone over the internet, he couldn't help us. Separate sales channel. In other words, "We didn't get the commission."
So Mom and I headed over to Rocco's and had an unhealthy but delicious dinner. When we got home, Mom called the Verizon Customer Support line, and they proceeded to activate her phone with Emma's number. 2 Hours, one bath and a couple of mumbled curses later Mom's phone had her number, Emma's had hers, and I got my number activated on Mom's old/new or new/old phone...

I'm in New Jersey next week, but then home again the week after. Have a great weekend everybody!
I noticed that Mike judiciously left out the part where, after 42 minutes of being on the call, I accidentally hung up on the support person when I tried to turn off the speaker phone... It was touch and go for a few minutes there...
That phone doesn't look like the buttons are very big at all....
It's not the buttons; it's the images on the display screen that were too small on the other phone. I couldn't see what number I dialed, or who was calling me.
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