This was taken with the new web cam, so it wasn't too long ago:

I have no idea where this was taken... or whether or not I gave George permission to be there, but it's still a nice pic:

Any picture with Trudi in it was taken since the fall:

Ms Versaci, Ms Versaci!! This one of Kacie teaching was taken on my trip to SC, but I don' t know the dates:

Another one, I couldn't begin to guess when or where:

This is an older one of Twila and Korey but I like it:

Me, also taken with the web cam:

Veronica, at Roswell Mill last summer:
Trudi, the day we got her last September:
Emma, before she cut her bangs. I don't know if she likes this picture but I do:
Another taken around that same time:
Cheyenne, looking awesome at Disney in her pirate hat:

Pretty sure that one of George with the guitar was taken at Sid & Julia's before they built the patio.
Mine was taken just this summer at dad's by Ethan. That's why it's so good, heehee!
The second one of Korey and I was taken I believe four years ago first semester freshman year. O_O
Hint: A lot of times, the only way I can tell when a picture of me was taken is based on what glasses I'm wearing... :D
The one of George was actually taken at Skylar's, George says. That's his new guitar.
Twi, I try to judge the pictures date by your hair! But that doesn't really work for me either.
Ethan does take good pictures.
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