Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Conficker virus to strike tomorrow...
Dumb idea of the week...
Ohio man arrested for drunk driving on a homemade vehicle
MARCH 31--In a law enforcement first, Ohio cops this month arrested a man for drunk driving on a motorized bar stool. That's right, a motorized bar stool, which can be seen below in a police evidence photo. According to cops, Kile Wygle, 28, crashed his bar stool near his Newark home earlier this month and called 911 due to his injuries. When an officer arrived and asked Wygle what happened, he answered, "I wrecked my bar stool." According to a Newark Police Division report, a copy of which you'll find here, Wygle's homemade ride is powered by a Briggs & Stratton lawnmower engine. Wygle noted that the bar stool could hit nearly 40 miles per hour, but that he was only going 20 when he wiped out late in the afternoon on March 4 (a witness told police that he spotted someone driving a "strange motorized machine" before the crash). A plastered Wygle, who failed a series of field sobriety tests, was charged with DUI and driving with a suspended license, both misdemeanors. His bar stool was not impounded.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Note from Emma!
So, i don't really have internets again. I didn't want to buy a week since we wont be here a full week. and my roommate is buying it through the one ethernet cable in our room anyway, so i couldn't use it on my computer even if i did buy it.I was going to buy a days worth of wireless for today but they are sold out of them at reception. So basically i am screwed and i am sneaking on my roomies computer right now before she wakes up, because as soon as she wakes up she will be inseparable from it.ANYWAY, none of that matters, because this weekend was amazing!!!!Some of our group (myself included) ended up paying extra to do intro scuba dives and it was SO COOL. All tolled i snorkeled four times and scuba dove three times. The live aboard boat was so much fun too. They woke us up at 5:45AM to snorkel at 6AM, which i did both times. On Sunday morning i got to swim with sea turtles! I made friends with one of them and he made me rub his shell for at least five minutes! He kept turning to make me rub different spots, just like a cat. IT WAS SO COOL! best morning of my life!We ALSO got to do a night scuba dive, where we were attached to an instructor at all times and dove with flashlights. WE SAW FOUR SHARKS!!! scary but really cool!We have lots of hilarious photos to show when we get back. I look extra awesome because my hair is just crazy. Imagine me diving in saltwater atleast 3 times a day, then riding a windy boat and only being allowed one three minute shower a night. No one cared though because it was just too much fun.Anyway, i have so much work this last week it isn't funny. I am not going to get to have as much fun as everyone else, but i guess i will live.I wish i could keep writing, but my roomie will be up in a few minutes, so i need to get off her computer! ah!I hope everything is going well there, i am excited to see you all again!Miss and love you!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
WIB Week of 29-MAR-09
The Hyatt that I stay at in Reston is very convenient because I can walk to the office via a walking / bicycle path and there is a shopping area right behind the hotel that has 10 or 11 excellent restaurants. I don't need a rental car.

Here's my itinerary:
Sunday 29-Mar-2009
UNITED AIRLINES, UA 7269 Departs ATL 7:13 PM
Arrive IAD 9:03 PM
Hyatt Regency Reston Town Center
1800 Presidents Street
Reston VA 20190
Friday 3-Apr-2009
UNITED AIRLINES, UA 7323 Departs IAD 10:02 PM
Arrives ATL 11:53 PM
Next week, my last week at Oracle I'll be teaching in the Atlanta office.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Around the house this weekend
Well, Mike comes home today. His flight is due in at 1:30, however they are predicting bad weather in Atlanta today, so lets keep our fingers crossed that his flight is not delayed. He travels back out again on Sunday, but since this is the last time, it's not as bad as usual!
(By the way, we're still waiting to hear if the view from the hotel room this week was as good as the picture posted!)
This is Emma's last weekend before she comes home! she is on a weekend trip to the Great Barrier Reef:

Cheyenne is wrapping up Spring Break, and will be heading back to GCSU, singing show tunes. (We have been watching musicals this week!)
Not sure what is going on with Veronica this weekend yet, but I'm fairly certain it will include a date with boyfriend Michael. As for George, well, we know who he'll be spending time with!
I'll be talking to Twila as soon as I think it's reasonably safe that she's awake (which means around 1!). We are all wondering what is going on with Korey --- he is having some kind of problem with his sinuses, and apparently has a CAT scan scheduled... In fact, maybe I'll just send her a text message now to call me later...
I'll be finishing up taxes for Kacie this weekend. Also, I know Kacie is having problems with her cell phone, the display is dead. So don't try to text her!
For me, it's the usual. Picking up Mike at the airport, we're thinking take-out Ippolito's pizza maybe for dinner tonight, which would be a popular choice. But don't set your heart on it, I might still try to talk him into spaghetti with sauce!
Also, I have to go online at precisely 10:15 tomorrow to register Emma for summer classes, as she will be snorkeling.

Finally, Trudi says thanks but no thanks, she'd prefer to "hold it" rather than go out in the rain this morning!

Friday, March 27, 2009
Cox Enterprises supports Earth Hour...

It's fun to work for a cool company. Cox Communications does seem to have a commitment to going "green." Thanks to Sid for pointing this out!
And take a second to vote in the new poll...
UPDATE: Here is a link describing Cox Enterprise's "go green" commitment
AND PS: the official "hour" is 8:30-9:30 pm...
Results from the Chocolate Poll...
Milk Chocolate | 12.5% | 1 | |||
Dark Chocolate | 37.5% | 3 | |||
Hot Chocolate | 0% | 0 | |||
Fudge | 37.5% | 3 | |||
Semi-sweet Chocolate | 0% | 0 | |||
Chocolate with nuts | 12.5% | 1 | |||
Chocolate Ice Cream | 0% | 0 | |||
I don't care much for any of them. | 0% | 0 |
One More Week!

I get back to Atlanta tomorrow at around 1:30. Connie will be picking me up. I have to leave for DC on Sunday afternoon. I guess I'll be home for about 22 hours. Normally, I'd be pretty upset under these circumstances.
Not this time.
This will be my last week on the road for a while. There may be some travel associated with my new position, but it will be the rare exception. I will have to commute to Rome GA (65 miles each way) for the first 30 days. I might even stay over night there once or twice a week for those first 30 days. After that, I'll be working in Kennesaw near Town Center Mall and will be home in time for dinner every night!
The next time I go on the road it will be for fun!
Excuse me for a second.
When I took the job with Oracle I knew it was going to be difficult, but it was necessary. I appreciate everyone's understanding and patience over the last 2 and 1/2 years. It hasn't been fun.
It's finally over.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Mike's new employer

So, you might ask, who would be hiring at a time like this, with the economy in the shape it's in?
Well, the folks who write professional tax, business, legal and financial management software, that's who. All of these new regulations & the tax changes coming in the stimulus plan are generating HUGE amounts of work for companies such as CCH Inc, Mike's new company.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Some Good News To Share
This is DaddyMike reporting in from San Francisco.
I have an announcement to make.
Are you ready?
Are you sure?
I start a new job on Monday, April 13th 2009. There will be little travel involved. The main office is in Rome GA, (about an 80 minute drive from home.) I will be expected to work in that office for the first 30 days. After that I'll be reporting to the Kennesaw office near Barrett and Busbee.
I am ecstatic.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
It's official

At least that's the plan... I'm wondering if they've already reserved their bus, because it might be hard to get one on Prom night.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Chatted with Emma!
I think she is a little homesick, but that's actually good because she's coming home soon (April 4) and it will be better if she's ready to leave.
Pictures of Emma
Here ya go! I hope I got the places and things like that right. ^^;;;
This first one is of Emma looking over the skyline of Sydney. I'm not sure where it was taken, obviously somewhere high. I think they have something like the Space Needle there where this might have been taken from. (As a side note, I think Emma looks insanely like mum in this picture!!)

Here's another picture of Emma taken up high overlooking the Sydney Oprah House....

This is Emma actually at the Sydney Oprah House. They didn't really have any good ones taken from outside to see.

I'm not sure where this is (I mean, the ocean, obviously, but not anything specific) but I think this picture is really cool!

And here is Emma with some more animals! This one is a koala! There are so many cute koala pics up!!! I love them!!!!

And this is Emma with a kangaroo. I made fun of her for being so far away from it but she said she was trying not to get boxed in the face! I don't blame here; kangaroos are really strong!

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Wedding Update
These are my centerpieces that I made myself! =) I've been trying to do all of my flowers myself as well as many other things. (I'm sure you wouldn't expect any less.) It's a good distraction from the stuff I'm supposed to be doing to graduate....

I got most of these flowers on clearance after Halloween. I'm always looking for a good deal. I was trying to go for a "picnic" look so that's why I put them in the basket.

Here are four of them together. I think this picture gave some people the idea that I was done with my centerpieces... but actually I still have to make six more! At least! =(

Above is a close up of one of the butterflies that I put in the flowers. I think it's cute. I love butterflies. And below is a picture of our cat Ruben trying to "help" me.... He really likes to play with all of my craft things (including yarn!)

I also made my flower girl basket. I like the little butterflies on the basket. =)

Korey's little sister Samantha is going to be our flower girl. She was the flower girl in Korey's step-brother's wedding. This is a picture of her and Korey from his brother's wedding. I did her hair, haha. She wasn't happy about the hair, but she really liked being a flower girl, so she's excited to be a flower girl again. (She even asked me how the girls were going to wear their hair in my wedding. I told her that I was going to have it loose, no up-dos, and she was even more excited.)

This is the flower girl dress that I'm looking at right now. It's kind of difficult to find a dress that matches my dress, because my dress is made of chiffon but most little girl dresses aren't because the material is too clingy. But this one is pretty close. Anyway, it's in the same color range.

And below is the bridesmaids dress I picked out although none of my bridesmaids have tried it on yet. This is the material my dress is made out of so it matches a bit better. My bridesmaids are Emma (of course, Maid of Honor!), my friend Karen from college, my friend Sera, and Korey's other little sister Niki.

And below is the tux. I love the fact that it is brown! I think it is so much more unique then a black tux. (Although, dad threatened to wear a black one. Ugh!) And it matches the colors -- purple, ivory, and orange -- a lot better in my opinion. Our groomsmen are our friend Eric who actually met Korey and I at the same time Korey and I met at orientation, George, Korey's friend Corey, and Korey's little brother John.

So that's just a small update on what wedding stuff I have figured out. I also have invitations picked out and I'm going to be sending them soon after I sort out the last of the out of town addresses. (I'm sending the out of town invitations months in advance and sending the in town invitations closer to the date.)
I hope everyone is doing well!!
WIB Week of 22-MAR-2009

According to the Hyatt Regency website, that is the view from my room. Somehow I tend to doubt that.
Here is my itinerary:
Outbound Flight:
DELTA 1067 Monday 23-MAR-09
Departs ATL 9:35 AM (EDT)
Arrives SFO 12:09 PM (PDT)
Hotel (Monday night through Friday Morning)
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
5 Embarcadero Center,
San Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: 1 415 788 1234
Hotel (Friday Night)
Doubletree San Francisco Airport
835 Airport Blvd.,
Burlingame, CA 94010-9949
Tel: 1-650-344-5500
Inbound Flight Delta 0046 Saturday 28-MAR-2009
Departs SFO 6:00 AM (PDT)
Arrives ATL 1:32 PM (EDT)
I'm not thrilled that I had to be in California two weeks in a row, but the OT pay (flying Saturday) is nice and I do like being in San Francisco.
Unless they change my schedule I'm home for the upcoming two weeks.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Bad Economy for Dummies: Lesson 1

I know some of the kids are interested in this... hopefully, it won't be tooooooo boring....
Lesson one: Credit Default Swap
You don't have to listen to financial news for long before you hear the term "Credit Default Swap", or CDS. It sounds like some esoteric complex blah-blah that only a finance geek would understand, but really, it isn't that hard to get. And once you do get it, you'll see why our economy is in such a terrible mess.
Basically, a CDS is kind of like a bet. The CDS buyer bets the CDS Seller that some third party entity will fail to meet its financial obligations. As long as that third party is doing okay, the buyer pays the seller a regular premium, like an insurance premium. But if that third party should default or begin to miss payments, then the seller has to pay off the buyer --- the buyer has "won the bet" (click to enlarge):
You can imagine, sometimes a lender would want to do this. If a lender lends a huge sum to a risky company, they might want to buy a CDS so they will get paid something if the risky company goes bankrupt.
However, neither the buyer nor the seller has to have any financial interest whatsoever in the third party they're "betting" on. The buyer might be a lender to that third party, in which case he's trying to protect himself, but that doesn't have to be the case. He can just be a spectator on the sidelines.
Chimney Springs Analogy

Here's an analogy to make things clearer.
It's kind of like if Mike bet Sid that the Esodas next door would default on their mortgage this year. Every month that the Esodas make their payment on time, Mike would give Sid $150. But if they miss a payment, Sid would have to pay off Mike, say, $5000.
Mind you, the Esodas have nothing to say about this. And if their credit is good, Mike might have to pay less per month, while if their credit is bad, the monthly payment would be a lot higher.
Further, imagine that Sid was counting on that $150 every month from Mike to make his car payment. If the Esodas do default and Mike stops paying, Sid won't have the money to pay off his car loan, and he will default on any CDS purchased by someone else (the Esodas?) against his car loan debt... and the seller of Sid's CDS might face the same problem... in a kind of domino effect...
How is the CDS market contributing to the current downturn in the economy? Well, let's look at a real world example.

When giant Bear Stearns looked like it was getting into trouble, the CDS market went crazy as speculation grew --- anyone & everyone was trying to "bet" that Bear Stearns would default, driving the price of a Bears Stearn CDS higher and higher. This made Bear Stearns look even more vulnerable and risky, until finally the company could not get the credit to which it would normally have access. So then, they actually couldn't make payments that they would have made in more normal circumstances. Bear Stearns then had to be "rescued" (purchased by JP Morgan, the company that incidentally invented the CDS ) to avoid triggering all of the huge payouts on all of the CDSs taken out.
Problem is, there was an awful lot of this going on, and pretty much no regulation whatsoever. Because ANYONE could purchase a CDS, regardless of whether or not they lent any money to the company, speculation could run wild.
It's as if the Esodas, whose mortgage might only be $150,000, had $10 million dollars of other people's money at stake if they didn't make their house payments. Sounds crazy... but...
...this is what is happening right now to AIG, the biggest of them all. AIG sold a huge amount of CDSs. (see "AIG appears to have sold [CDSs] in large quantities to practically every financial institution of significance on the planet. " ) When times were good, AIG was collecting lots of money in premiums from these CDSs, it was easy cash. But now, as defaults are growing, they are in serious trouble as they have to pay out many times what some of the debt was worth, at a time when the premiums coming in from CDSs are dwindling.
How is all this legal, you might ask? That's something I'll look into in a future lesson.
For more info, check out the Wikipedia entry where I got this info.
Next time, Lesson Two: why some people think "mark to market" accounting is making a bad thing worse.
My afghan

Thursday, March 19, 2009
On the agenda today
Cheyenne starts Spring Break today! Yay... I expect to see her later, along with her little sisters who are in town for the week. Expecting Veronica too, who has been visiting with her sisters all week! I'm thinking baked ziti for dinner, maybe? I know Cheyenne likes that.
Twila is finishing up her senior portfolio, from the sounds of things. Her spring break is already over. :( Twi, if you want to come over for ziti, let me know.
George has to finish his laundry! He has also been showing unusual interest in school plays, for some reason.
Kacie is expected in town this weekend to, as I recall. Planning on doing her taxes.
Mike is in California, somewhere... he had dinner with Uncle Tony this week in LA.
Emma has been MIA! She is in Brisbane, I know, but I haven't heard from her lately. I did note that she got on facebook briefly yesterday, and found this picture of her taken in Australia, posted by one of her friends...

I don't know but that seems like a sorry looking elephant to me. Good thing she is feeding it!
I'll let everyone know if I hear from her.
Finally a new poll!
Anyway, check out the new poll....
(Apologies to Mike... figured he could pick one anyway, even though he can't have it!)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Assortment of pictures
This was taken with the new web cam, so it wasn't too long ago:

I have no idea where this was taken... or whether or not I gave George permission to be there, but it's still a nice pic:

Any picture with Trudi in it was taken since the fall:

Ms Versaci, Ms Versaci!! This one of Kacie teaching was taken on my trip to SC, but I don' t know the dates:

Another one, I couldn't begin to guess when or where:

This is an older one of Twila and Korey but I like it:

Me, also taken with the web cam:

Veronica, at Roswell Mill last summer:
Trudi, the day we got her last September:
Emma, before she cut her bangs. I don't know if she likes this picture but I do:
Another taken around that same time:
Cheyenne, looking awesome at Disney in her pirate hat: