Well, that's her working name for now at least, but it may well stick.
Don't laugh too hard when you see her! She looks an awful lot like Choppy, except shrunken down and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d...
PS - I haven't heard her bark yet...
UPDATE: Her new "working name" is Trudy... That's a Mike pick and it seems to suit her, but I do want him to meet her before we make a final decision.
She is very silly and she likes to throw things. I gave her a treat and she tossed it up in the air twice before eating it! I guess she hasn't met Choppy's imaginary "other dog" yet!
What a cute doggie! I can't wait to meet her!
I liked the name Riley! Why the change?
Very cute though; can't wait to meet her! I am going to have to delay my 5K training for this!
I'm so happy you got her!
I am definatly coming home this weekend!
RIP Choppy, I will always love you!!!
So far so good; no problems with housebreaking yet, and no signs of it either.
She did bark at PetSmart, but doesn't seem to make a habit of it.
She likes toys. She seems pretty smart. I took her for a short walk after dinner and she already knew home was "home".
So far she likes everyone and everyone seems to like her. So, things are off to a good start so far.
We will all miss Choppy forever but there are a lot of little doggies that need homes, and we have a good one here...
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