The new poll is "Which is the saddest Christmas Song?"
I'm not sure if everyone would know all of them. So I posted links to the lyrics. If you still don't remember them, try to listen to each at least once before voting! If you have another song you want to nominate, post it in the comments.
"Blue Christmas" sung by by Elvis Presley (lyrics)--- How could Christmas be anything but blue, without you?
"The Christmas Song" sung by Nat King Cole (lyrics) --- I'm not exactly sure why I think this song is sad. The lyrics aren't all that sad. But I'm not the only one. I read that it was recorded during WWII, thus the inherent sadness, as the boys were all far away... (Some tofu and some mistletoe? take a good look at those lyrics...)
"Happy Xmas (War is Over)" by John Lennon/Yoko Ono (lyrics)--- okay, it would be better if Yoko weren't singing, but it's still pretty sad. "The world is all wrong."
"Same Old Lang Syne" by Dan Fogelberg (lyrics) --- pretty schlocky if you just read the lyrics, but his delivery is still touching. You have to hear him sing it.
"I'll Be Home for Christmas" (lyrics) sung by Bing Crosby
Classic, and sad. Probably gets my vote. "If only in my dreams"...
"River" by Joni Mitchell (lyrics) --- Poor dysfunctional Joni. She really messed up --- again. If you haven't heard this recently, you MUST listen again...
So, don't be too cheery. Even though it's Christmas, it's not all lights and candy!!!! ;-)
UPDATE: I realized that the Nat King Cole song that I think is sad is NOT "The Christmas Song", but rather "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" (lyrics). Not sure how I could have mixed them up, but probably when I searched on Nat King Cole christmas songs "The Christmas Song" came up first....
Whatever. "I'll be home for Christmas" always makes me cry. ;_; It automatically wins. At least John Lennon's is a /little/ upbeat.
But I do love sad Christmas songs, what can I say?
I agree. When he sings "if only in my dreams" it is just SO sad.
In the Lennon song they sing "So this is Christmas and what have you done? another year over..." I find that an extremely depressing sentiment, but one I can relate to!
Honestly, the fact that Yoko's vocals are so up front in much of the Lennon song actually makes Happy Xmas War Is Over less sad, because she is such a god-awful singer.
id just like to say that i dont like this poll so im not voting. i dont want to depress myself with reading sad christmas song lyrics. so sorry.
I'd say "River" is the saddest, but I agree with Cheyenne. Can't there be a poll on the happiest Christmas song?
just so everyone knows, "a" is adam. not some freak.
thank you adam!
well whatever. i thought it was cute.
I think it is cute mom!
Happy X-mas songs are boring and annoying to boot. They are always playing in all the stores a thousand times and they make me want to gag.
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