George and Veronica have Monday and Tuesday off. Must be nice!
Cheyenne came over this weekend. We were going to take her to breakfast at the new Flying Biscuit on Johnson Ferry, but it was wayyyyy too crowded. Probably with the extra hour, everyone felt like they had time for breakfast. So we went to Bagelicious instead. Of course, George complained bitterly about that!
Speaking of new places around here, the new Super Target is now open. After waiting for soooo long, I have to say, it's lame! It has no deli section, no bakery, and no produce! So it's not very "super". It has an underground parking lot, and this strange contraption that I guess you put your shopping cart on to get it down the the lower levels of the parking garage.
We went out to eat with Twila and Korey on Saturday night and we had a good time. They were on their way to Blue Ridge to visit Korey's family after that.
Mike is in Houston for the first part of the week. He's not too happy about having to go back out of town again! Fortunately Thanksgiving is coming soon so he'll have a little time at home.
Kacie was over last weekend. I drove her back to Athens on Sunday so I had lunch with her and Adam at the new Mellow Mushroom there. I guess her McGill reading must be coming up this week...let us know how it goes!
Emma was supposed to come by this weekend but she didn't quite make it. She's really loving her physics class this semester --- not! she has a test on Tuesday so wish her luck!
I expect to see Veronica on Wednesday if she's not too busy...
And just for fun, here is a link to a page of fun optical illusions...

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