So, we're kicking around the idea of one last family vacation...
Looking at everyone's schedules, the only possible date would be around Memorial Day, May 24 or 25, 2008. We haven't decided where we are going yet, and while we will consider suggestions, our budget (and good sense) will have the final say.
For a number of reasons, including the fact that we are old fuddy-duddies, we have already decided that we won't be bringing along any boyfriends (or girlfriends, for heaven's sake) . So, sorry about that, but the decision is final.
And while we would really like everyone to come along, we also understand that you are mostly all GROWNUPS yourselves now, with commitments and such, and it might not be possible for you to go. We'll understand.
We'll be trying to get some kind of head count so we can start planning. So if you have any questions or comments, feel free to fire away....
oh wow. i never thought you guys would ever say that again. haha
well my first idea def. wont come as a surprise:
1)Disney! duh
2)A cruise! or a Disney Cruise! haha
3)St. Louis! yeah i know it sounds lame but i was born there and i dont remember it at all and i want to see it
4) NYC!! Broadway!!! (yeah i know my ideas are getting more ridikulas by the second!)
5)Europe! hahaha
yeah im going to stop now...
Does this mean you're in Cheyenne?
What kind of a question is that, Daddy? Of course I'm in! Why would I, Cheyenne, ever pass up going on Vacation?!??! haha
Hey, I wanna be in.....I guess it depends what kind of grown-up job I will have to have. :(
I still wanna go on a skiing trip, or maybe a beach vacation (I would like to snorkling!!!). And here's a thought: why not sometimein December? I feel like around Xmas time there is a better chance we will all have less comitments, but that's just thinking about us kids. You grownups of course, might have otherwise.
I like we should go to Myrtle Beach.
I might be able...Not positive, need to check my stuff out first.
Mexico Beach is where I'd like to go... but then again, I might have a job then, so we'll see.
Well, it is okay (when you accept a job) to inform your new employer that you've had these vacation plans in advance and politely ask if you can still go. It is going to be Memorial Day week (first week after Cobb schools get out.) Most new employers will let you have the time (without pay of course!)
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