Firstly, I'd like to point out that ConnieMom was very cavalier with her representation of our classic arguments.

Having said that, I want all of you to post in the comments section memories, feelings, rants etc. regarding our recurring disagreements. Have we left any out? Which one was the most stupid? Which one was the funniest?
yeah, what about the pickle/cucumber argument??
I actually thought of that one, but I couldn't remember what it was about!
yeah um one of you argued that the cumber came first and turned into a pickle and the other argued that the pickle came first and turned into a pickle or something like that...
yea and i just wanted to say one more thing about my roommates (yea sorry im sure your bored with me by now but i need to vent!): tonight jordan and i went to this this hall event and maggie and kelsey didnt go. we got back at 11:45 and they dead bulted us out!!!!! we rang the doorbeel a few times and they didnt wake up!!! we had to get the RA to let us in! thank god it worked! grrrr im mad!
What about the "Arabs are worse than Christians" argument?
Good one Kacie!
What about all the arguments about mom banning certain characters that mike did or certain things he said? ( Curtis, Foil..)
Or the one about the shoe placement? that one is the worst...
oh yeah, the shoe problem! that's a good one too...
The extra birthday candle. That came up this weekend.
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