Twila started her internship on Monday, and so far it seems to be going well. It took a few days for her to get a PC at work, but she has it now. I haven't seen her since she was over for dinner last week. Think it was Tuesday. I'll urge her to update the blog, if I can get a hold of her!
Kacie moved in last week. It's quite nice having a little more company around here, with Mike out of town so much of the time. She's working hard at the magazine --- watch for the new issue of "Pregnancy & Newborn" coming to a news stand near you! and when you find it, look for "Kacie Versace" in the masthead. She's also looking for a second job, so if you hear of anything, let her know!
George is now in PA, at Grandma & Grandpas house. We took him to the airport early Saturday morning, and I have to say I miss him already! I wonder if he will read the blog, now that he's away? Meanwhile, I'm sure his buddies back home miss him. I saw poor Skylar in the neighborhood today. I felt a little sorry for him, with George out of town. By the way George; let me know if you need to access your email account. I can help.
Emma is getting ready for Bonnaroo. She has got a SERIOUS amount of cooking to do between now and the three day music fest. So be watching for that blur in an apron!
Veronica has been scarcer than hen's teeth, what with that boyfriend taking up so much time! They went to six flags today. And who has time to post with so much to do? She didn't even post the biggest news of all: SHE GOT HER LICENSE last weekend. Congratulations Veronica!
And Cheyenne is spending the night tonight. She will be making her way to college in just a few weeks. She's been working a lot and saving money. I am so excited for her; I can't wait!
Next Sunday I will be leaving for San Diego. I've never been there before, so I'm kind of excited about it.
And OF COURSE WHO COULD FORGET: TOMORROW IS DADDYMIKE'S 50th birthday!!!!!!!!!! so DO NOT forget to wish him well! He will be in Reston Virginia, but he won't be alone. He is going to have dinner with an old buddy of his who was born the same exact day! They celebrated their 18th birthday together, and now they will celebrate their 50th together. Hmmmm, I wonder which will be more fun?
I know you are not that ecstatic about turning 50. But look at it this way --- you are still younger than Play-Doh!

hey guys, it's George on Grandma's account. YES im ACTUALLY checking it (because grandma made me). I don't need to check my e-mail, i never do anyways why start now.
Cute, George. You did surprise me!
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