The results are in: Twila is the most dreaded name to get in the Secret Santa drawing! There were 5 votes for Twila, and 2 for Mike --- and Cheyenne reports that one of the votes for Mike was an accident.
Some votes are missing of course. One thing I realized is that when I disallow multiple votes, those of you who have to share a computer may not get a vote, so I'll probably turn that off.
So what do we do with Twi? How about having her post a list of potential Secret Santa items she would like to get?
That wouldn't be a bad idea for everyone... why not put a comment on this post, listing some ideas for Secret Santa items... either for yourself or others.
Secret Santa purchases should be in the $20 range, and not more than $25.
One final note on Secret Santa: Please limit your family gift giving to your Secret Santa item! This means NO extra gifts, not even for me & Mike. The whole purpose of Secret Santa is to keep spending under control. The kids in college need their money for other things. And those who can't afford extra gifts can feel badly about it.
I know it is great fun to give, but it doesn't make sense to overspend when we have a convenient and fair way to limit spending.
I am with Connie on this - kids - DO NOT buy gifts for each other OR for us - this goes until you guys are out of college and working.
I would most of all like one of those big tear off calendars from Office Max. The ones you can write on.
Or else the cookbook "Vegan with a Vengance."
I cannot believe that it is almost secret santa time again!
Only 18 more days till Thanksgiving break.
OH AND BTW Twila...you didn't get a fall break, but you do get Wednesday before thanksgiving off. And I do not!
I would like a magazine subscription. Rolling Stone (which I have right now but will run out some day i suppose) Cosmo, Spin, National Geographic, and Time are all mags that I read. Books are always a good way to go, as well. I will make a list of things I wanna read but haven't bought yet.
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