Thursday, November 16, 2006

Christmas Chorus Concert

I have a chorus concert on Thursday, December 14, 2006. It is at 7:00 and I would enjoy a few guests to come. I haven't had anyone come to my Chorus Concert since like.. sixth grade.. not including all-state. So, I'd hope someone will come this year.


DaddyMike said...

So far I am in town that week - so if that doesn't change I should be able to make it.

Twila said...

Where is it? HAHAHAH! I could embarrass you so bad... *schemes*

Kacie said...

I will try to be there. I will be home, at any rate.

ConnieMom said...

Twi --- maybe you can find Emma's old stuffed octapus and wear it on your head!! How would that be?!

Unknown said...


making fun of me!
I wish I could go but I will still be in school. I have a final on friday...