Monday, October 02, 2006

whoa nellie!!!

Before things get ugly,

let me explain.

The Thanksgiving poll is really more of an opinion poll, and not a vote. I'm basically a Thanksgiving Turkey kinda gal, always have been, always will be. And since I'm generally the cook, that pretty much seals the deal.

That being said, I propose we offer a side of spaghetti at Thanksgiving this year, for those who want it. A bit unusual perhaps, but we're not really a family known for its conformity, are we?


Unknown said...

I don't think we can use the results of the poll anyway because someone voted more than once...
I demand a recount!

Kacie said...

Yeah! WTF! There's like a total of 23 votes!!!!

ConnieMom said...

Truth is, I kinda left it open that way. I figured that you could register more than one vote and that would show exactly how much you care! For instance, you could vote 15 times for Copelands turkey, 25 times for regular turkey, and 2 times for spaghetti.

Also, on monday you might think "Spaghetti" then if you have spaghetti on Monday you might wake up on tuesday and think "Turkey!"

Why be restricted to just one vote???

DaddyMike said...

Besides, Conniemom has n votes anyway, where n = (the number of votes cast) + 1...