Sunday, August 31, 2008

As many as I could find without much trouble or use of a scanner...

1) A photo of any birthday party, with the cake in the picture

3) A photo of anyone's ex boyfriend

7) A photo of a car that we don't have anymore --- could be anyone's

8) A photo of Mom & Dad --- dressed up.

12) A photo taken at a holiday other than Christmas (this is 4th of July, see the fireworks?)

13) A photo of food other than Birthday Cake

14) A photo taken in a dorm room showing the college logo or mascot. (It can be on someone's t-shirt.) I have no explanation for this besides that I think it was dead week (the week before finals) in the VERY early morning. My roommate and I apparently did have some fun my freshman year...logo on my sweatshirt

20) A photo taken in another state. (in Pennsylvania)

24) A very silly photo.

25) A photo of any two siblings with their arms around each other.

First Annual Labor Day Photo Scavenger Hunt!

Post a picture of any of the following and you will be entered in a drawing for a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate! Drawing will occur after all items in the scavenger hunt are posted... or until we all give up!

(UPDATE: The ones in BLUE are the ones we do not have yet...)

1) A photo of any birthday party, with the cake in the picture
2) A photo taken at Christmas, showing the Christmas tree
3) A photo of anyone's ex boyfriend
4) A photo taken in the house with no one in the picture.
5) A photo of a sibling that the sibling doesn't know you have.
6) A prom photo but NOT your own
7) A photo of a car that we don't have anymore --- could be anyone's
8) A photo of Mom & Dad --- dressed up.
9) A photo taken at our old apartment.
10) A photo showing the Chimney Springs lake
11) A photo showing 2 or more family pets
12) A photo taken at a holiday other than Christmas
13) A photo of food other than Birthday Cake
14) A photo taken in a dorm room showing the college logo or mascot. (It can be on someone's t-shirt.)
15) A photo of someone in their work uniform or outfit.
16), 17), 18), 19) A vacation photo from each of the four Disney parks showing a member of the family.
20) A photo taken in another state.
21) A photo taken at a high school event.
22) A photo taken from a high vantage point, such as a mountain or tall building.
23) A photo of a new present.
24) A very silly photo.
25) A photo of any two siblings with their arms around each other.


* Nothing embarrassing. This includes really really awful pictures of anyone. We will just remove any that DaddyMike and I both deem too unflattering.
* Photo has to be taken by you or someone you know; no snitching pictures from the 'net.
* Post a caption identifying which item your picture satisfies. A picture can only be assigned to one item --- ie, a picture taken at a birthday party at a relatives house can only count for 1 or 11, but not both.
* If someone else already posted an item, but you have one you wanted to post, please post it anyway.

Happy Hunting!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ummm, geeeee, how will I ever decide?

On the one hand we have this:

And on the other we have, well, we have THIS:

Hooo boy.

Happenings this weekend....

Well, with everyone back in school etc, you might think it would be a quiet weekend.... doesn't look to be shaping up that way, so far!

First off, of course, it is a long weekend, with Labor Day on Monday. Hard to find a good picture to represent Labor Day. Here's one:

Or maybe this one?

(Which one do you like Cheyenne?)

Also, Kacie is supposed to be in town briefly, we hope to see her on Saturday. I'm going to try to get her data off of her old hard drive. Which reminds me, if your laptop ever dies suddenly and you need the data from it, I now have a hard drive enclosure for a laptop hard drive and I may be able to help.

George and Veronica are both working tonight. Veronica might have a couple of friends over for a sleepover; George is staying at Josh's tonight.

Cheyenne will also be home this weekend. She's having a birthday party at her Mom's tomorrow but we hope to see her on Sunday.

Twila got an invitation to join the Honor Society due to her high GPA. You may not know this but Twi has been on the Dean's list almost every semester! Congrats Twi; stop by and see us this weekend!

Emma is back at her co-op job this semester. I know Ethan has been hitting the books lately, and, as far as I know, she still has no internet service at her apartment! I guess I'll have to catch up with her the old fashioned way... I'll txt her!

Mike is on his way home from Manhattan right this minute. He got to see cousin Diane and lots of his friends over the week; but I'm sure he'll still be glad to get home! Meanwhile he's flying out again on Monday :-(

We are supposed to have dinner with Uncle Sid & Aunt Julia tomorrow night and then play some Euchre.... Anyone want to learn how? I'll be happy to teach you!

Also, be sure to check out the Poll, as I'm updating it again...

I would like to see everyone at some point this weekend; so those of you without specific plans to come over, expect to hear from me soon...

Finally --- stay tuned, I'm dreaming up a contest to get everyone back interested in the family blog again, after I neglected it for such a long time!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I've been searching for a replacement for my cracked flour and sugar canisters for literally YEARS. I didn't know the name of the pattern and I thought all hope was lost. Internet searches on "apple motif canister" turned up nothing.

Then tonight, we ran out of flour. So I took the thing and washed it (what does this say about my cleaning habits) and noticed there on the bottom was the maker and the name of the pattern: Applejack by Ingleman Design. Doh! Why didn't I think of that before?? Anyway, within 10 minutes I found a replacement online for the flour cannister and a lid for the sugar, both of which have been cracked since before 9/11.

Needless to say it was quite a bit more expensive than what I originally paid for the whole set... but for some reason I got attached to these and I've never been able to find any I like better.

Just goes to show, in the words of Commander Peter Quincy Taggart: "No! Never give up, never surrender. " At least not when it comes to replacement china.